A Quote by Raghava Lawrence

I believe that charity begins at home. Others will donate to my trust only if I do it first. — © Raghava Lawrence
I believe that charity begins at home. Others will donate to my trust only if I do it first.
I do as much charity work as I can and that my family life will allow. I do believe charity begins at home and the more we focus on our families, the better they will be.
Charity But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves? Charity begins at home, is the voice of the world; yet is every man his greatest enemy, and, as it were, his own executioner.
The charity that begins at home cannot rest there but draws one inexorably over the threshold and off the porch and down the street and so out and out and out and out into the world which becomes the home wherein charity begins until it becomes possible, in theory at least, to love the whole of creation with the same patience, affection, and amusement one first practiced, in between the pouts and tantrums, with parents, siblings, spouse, and children.
Not only does charity begin at home. Everything begins at home, including spirituality.
Charity is not a virtue to expect in others only. It is the all-important Christian attribute to be found in ourselves. . . . We believe that charity must begin at home. Can we hope to be charitable to the stranger if love does not abound in the family? A sure step in the direction of improvement and progress in our own lives comes when we share with mother or father in their dependence as they shared with us in their productive years.... We cannot as children ignore our obligations to our parents by passing responsibility for their care to others. . . .
Our charity begins at home, And mostly ends where it begins.
Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door.
Charity is a very personal equation, like we say charity begins at home. It starts with your immediate help in the house: the people who work for you.
Whenever I donate a hunting trip for the Children's Leukemia Foundation, Ronald McDonald Cancer House, all these children's charities, I offer the anti-hunters an opportunity: if you donate more to the children's charity than the hunters donate we won't go hunting.
That is not true I am not a greedy man because if I was why would i donate money to charity?I care about others as well.
Charity begins at home.
I want to be as healthy as I possibly can be. I just want to make sure that I do everything to take care of myself. Like they say, charity begins at home. Love begins at home, too. So I want to do the best for me. I want to pamper myself and do the best for my body.
I have much more confidence in the charity which begins in the home and diverges into a large humanity, than in the world-wide philanthropy which begins at the outside of our horizon to converge into egotism.
I work with a charity called Donate My Dress. It's got chapters all over the country where you can donate special-occasion dresses. Prom is a big deal when you're 15 years old, and it enables girls who don't have the money to come in and choose something special.
Charity begins at home, is the voice of the world.
Charity begins at home, but should not end there.
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