A Quote by Rahim Moore

You have to give credit where credit is due. — © Rahim Moore
You have to give credit where credit is due.

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I'm just not into the shady side of the music industry. Give credit where credit's due.
Humility is preserved when I give credit where credit is due - to God.
Give credit to whom credit due.
I'm fair-minded, maybe. Maybe I bend over backward to give people too much benefit of the doubt. And I'll give credit where credit is due.
The parents pull you aside and say, `I have to give credit where credit is due, you really are sacrificing a lot for the community, and giving,' .. But I'm from here and committed to Homestead and the Steel Valley, and it's a no-brainer to me.
You have to give credit where credit's due. Steve [Jobs] has been probably the single hardware/software forward-looking thinker and executor in our lifetime as an individual. He's quite a brilliant innovator.
Giving credit where credit is due is a very rewarding habit to form. Its rewards are inestimable.
You always give credit where credit is due - to high school coaches, college coaches - but my dad, the foundation that he built with me, is where all of this came from. The speed, the determination, the mindset, just the natural belief that you can do anything you put your mind to, it all comes from my dad.
There was an interview that I actually listened to with John Cena where he says that he is an elite-level athlete - he is elite, and he needs to make people elite whenever he goes up against them - but I was like, gosh, as much as I hate to give him credit where credit is due, it is exactly right.
When it comes to building your business and developing a powerful network, you'll want to develop a reputation as someone who highlights others. Not only does this give credit where credit is due, it also communicates that you're secure with your success and have the ability to promote others in your industry.
I was going to do business studies in Newcastle because there were a lot of nightclubs. My father said if I went that route, he'd never speak to me again: credit where credit's due.
Again, I want to give credit where credit is due to our voice director, Collette Sunderman, who is someone that works out an incredible juggling act. I refer to it as juggling cats with vertigo, and the cats don't have vertigo, but the juggler has vertigo.
The leader is a teacher who succeeds without taking credit. And, because credit is not taken, credit is received.
The Tucson speech [of Barack Obama] was brilliant, and I'm so angry at Republicans for jumping on him because you have to give credit. Part of being successful is to give credit to people who you may not disagree with when they do well.
Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail, but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself.
If you take the credit, you lose it. If you give away the credit, it comes back multiplied.
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