A Quote by Rainer Maria Rilke

I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything! — © Rainer Maria Rilke
I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything!
In this there is no measuring with time, a year doesn’t matter, and ten years are nothing. Being an artist means: not numbering and counting, but ripening like a tree, which doesn’t force its sap, and stands confidently in the storms of spring, not afraid that afterward summer may not come. It does come. But it comes only to those who are patient, who are there as if eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly silent and vast. I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything!
Humility and gratitude go hand in hand... Awareness increases so that we become grateful for everything we are given. We have to learn, literally learn, to be grateful for what we receive day by day, simply to balance the criticism that day by day we voice because of powerful emotions.
Every day, I wake up eager to learn new things, and I am grateful to Mourinho for that.
I learn from everybody I work with, and you learn, every single day. I can learn from anyone. Being fortunate enough to perform in front of a changing live audience, every night, you learn from everybody. Everyone has an opinion and they'll let you know.
Don't get to the point where you think, 'I learned everything last week,' or, 'I learned everything last year.' You'll never learn everything. Wake up every day and try to learn something new. And if you do learn something, pass it on to people you think deserve the game.
Learn from the past, but don't live there. Build on what you know so that you don't repeat mistakes. Resolve to learn something new every day. Because every 24 hours, you have the opportunity to have the best day of your company's life.
Keep a grateful journal. Every night, list five things that happened this day that you are grateful for. What it will begin to do is change your perspective of your day and your life. If you can learn to focus on what you have, you will always see that the universe is abundant; you will have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough.
I am grateful to have my life back and for the friends and family who never gave up on me, for a God who was there when I was ready to find him. I am grateful for so much, that every day, one day at a time, is Thanksgiving.
The more pain I train myself to stand, the more I learn. You are afraid of pain now, Unk, but you won't learn anything if you don't invite the pain. And the more you learn, the gladder you will be to stand the pain.
Do you know how much you can learn from a mere pair of high-heels? If you don't fall, you'll learn a bit, but If you do fall, you'll learn everything. If you become successful, you'll learn a bit, but if you fail, you'll get to learn everything. Success is the dumbest teacher, not the other way around
You have to learn every day. You can't be playing every day, but you can be practicing. If you cannot be practicing with a net and others daily, you still can be learning about the game by reading, watching and imaging. You must learn every day, if you want to be a real volleyball player. ?
We need to start work with the idea that we’re going to learn every day. I learn, even at my position, every single day.
We are learning all the time - about the world and about ourselves. We learn without knowing that we are learning and we learn without effort every moment of the day. We learn what is interesting to us... and we learn from what makes sense to us, because there is nothing to learn from what confuses us except that it is confusing.
Composition is what's similar between being photographer and director. As a photographer, you're sort of doing everything - you're directing the lights and you're framing and you're moving around. The hardest thing to learn as a director is how cameras have to move. You have to have patience, you have to learn how to look through the lens and then you have to learn to combine all of the compartments into one great image.
I'm so sad that I'm old enough to play, and I'm so grateful that I am. All that clichéd things, you really do learn something if you get the luck of being able to hang around. Even if it's a rough ride, you learn.
For me, my lack of patience in real life - I have always had very little patience. It's been very much my downfall in life. But having a child puts it in perspective. Very quickly you're like, "Oh, I need to learn what patience is."
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