A Quote by Rajnath Singh

We do not worry about how a sovereign country keeps its relations with others. — © Rajnath Singh
We do not worry about how a sovereign country keeps its relations with others.
When we worry, we are telling God, "You are neither trustworthy nor in control, so I need to worry and scheme as I take matters into my own hands." In this way unbelief drives worry, for it is impossible to worry when we are trusting in the provision of our sovereign God.
I don't ever worry about whether I'm being true to my country roots. My country roots were adopted. I never worry about what I can do and what I should do. I just do what I want to do.
I worry about America. For the first time in my lifetime, I'm worried about us, i'm worried about how our values to some degree have been eroded, of personal responsibility and compassion and teamwork. I worry about it, I worry about the fact that we're so divided.
It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.
We live in a fantastically wealthy country. We don't have to worry about food. We don't have to worry about clothing. We don't have to worry about our safety. It's very easy for me to be an environmentalist. It's very easy for me to care about making sure that we protect the forests and the whales, and all that stuff.
I used to worry about money and career and what was going to happen. How was I gonna succeed or fail in the world? And I thought about it enough that I'm no longer worried about it. I'm not... I don't worry about what's gonna happen in my life. I don't worry about telling me about dying, my own mortality. That's a given.
I'm a worrier. I worry about everything - I worry about the kids, my family, my health, Matt's health. I always think the worst - and he keeps me calm, he's really optimistic. He's a constant support with everything.
American leaders worry about the security of their country. Israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country.
Life is a system of relations rather than a positive and independent existence; and he who would be happy himself and make others happy must carefully preserve these relations. He cannot stand apart in surly and haughty egoism; let him learn that he is as much dependent on others as others are on him.
We have always been prepared to negotiate with the U.S. government everything that has to do with bilateral relations, on a basis of the strictest mutual respect for the sovereign rights of each country. We will never try to ask the government of the United States to change its economic and political system.
Don't worry about being acknowledged by others; worry about failing to acknowledge them.
I don't worry about numbers. I worry about wins. You can see all the years that my numbers went down and how many championships I've got. That's what I worry about.
You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.
We're going to capture the lost sovereignty of our country... And when we get there, my friends, we will only be obedient to one sovereign America, and that is the sovereign of God Himself and His laws.
When one has had a life as difficult as mine, one doesn't worry about how others will react.
Too often we worry about how the others react-but it's YOUR reaction that they monitor.
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