A Quote by Ralph Marston

You are full of wonderful possibilities. Do something with them. The most painful regrets, those which never go away, are regrets of things not done, things never attempted.
Most people’s major life regrets are not about the things they’ve done, but about the things they’ve not done, the goals they never reached, the type of lover or friend or parent they wished they’d been but know they failed to be.
I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it.
I don't believe in regrets. I don't think regrets actually exist. I think regrets are things people make up in their heads. So, I don't regret anything. Everything turned out exactly the way it was supposed to.
I feel like I turned down a lot of things that I wish I hadn't. But you never know when you're younger. I don't have regrets about certain things I turned down. Those films would have required things of me that would have been challenging, and they ended up being really good movies. But I was never a careerist, I never thought in those terms. I'd be like, "Oh, I'm tired. I don't want to work."
With every decision you make in your life, you're going to have some regrets about the way it goes. You just have to chose which set of regrets you can live with the best, and try to minimize the amount of regrets you have.
It's pathetic to have regrets about fashion. Things to do with my life, yes, I have regrets there.
But then one regrets the loss even of one's worst habits. Perhaps one regrets them the most. They are such an essential part of one's personality.
No regrets. Never never any regrets. Everything has been an experience and has led to me now. Everything has been important and essential. Fear... I'm afraid of what people, including myself, are capable of, but it also excites me. I'm afraid of the atrocities that we are capable of and the things that can happen if everyone makes decisions based on fear.
Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.
We will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us.
The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.
One of the most difficult things to think about in life is one’s regrets. Something will happen to you, and you will do the wrong thing, and for years afterward you will wish you had done something different.
For a moment, I wondered how different my life would have been had they been my parents, but I shook the thought away. I knew my father had done the best he could, and I had no regrets about the way I'd turned out. Regrets about the journey, maybe, but not the destination. Because however it had happened, I'd somehow ended up eating shrimp in a dingy downtown shack with a girl that I already knew I'd never forget.
In raising children, life brings forth those things where you do what you should never have done and what I taught you never to do. And when my kids have done those things, I just kind of look at them and say, 'Now you know life.'
I haven't done anything I regret; I don't live for regrets. I'm not a mean person, so I don't go around doing evil things to people.
I live without regrets. There are certain things I have done, mistakes that I made, that I would change, but I don't regret them at all, because I've learnt from them.
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