A Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults. — © Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults.
I can forgive a man’s past faults, his present shortcomings, and his future failures if every minute of every day he loves me like it’s his religion.
Every man carries two bags about him, one in front and one behind, and both are full of faults. The bag in front contains his neighbors' faults, the one behind his own. Hence it is that men do not see their own faults, but never fail to see those of others.
Such excessive preoccupation with his faults is not a truly spiritual activity but, on the contrary, a highly egoistic one.The recognition of his own faults should make a man humbler, when it is beneficial, not prouder, which the thought that he ought to have been above these faults makes him.
Always man needs woman for his friend. He needs her clearer vision, her subtler insight, her softer thought, her winged soul, her pure and tender heart. Always woman needs man to be her friend. She needs the vigor of his purpose, the ardor of his will, his calmer judgment, his braver force of action, his reverence and his devotion.
Learn to know every man under you, get under his skin, know his faults. Then cater to him - with kindness or roughness as his case may demand.
Never forget that a man is made great and perfect as much by his faults as by his virtues. So we must not seek to rob a nation of its character, even if it could be proved that the character was all faults.
Every man needs his Siren to check his courage and strength when he hears her song in his travels through the unknown.
Everyone rushes his life on, and suffers from a yearning for the future and a boredom with the present. But that man who devotes every hour to his own needs, who plans every day as if it were his last, neither longs for nor fears tomorrow.
A woman gets angry when a man denies his faults, because she knew them all along. His lying mocks her affection; it is the deceit that angers her more than the faults.
The imperfections of a man, his frailties, his faults, are just as important as his virtues.You can't separate them. They're wedded.
He who flatters a man is his enemy. he who tells him of his faults is his maker.
If the best man's faults were written on his forehead, he would draw his hat over his eyes.
The real duty of man is not to extend his power or multiply his wealth beyond his needs, but to enrich and enjoy his imperishable possession: his soul.
Every man has his faults; I have and so have you - you will allow me to say so!
Why will no man confess his faults? Because he continues to indulge in them; a man cannot tell his dream till he wakes.
Many a man may thank his talent for his rank, but no man has ever been able to return the compliment by thanking his rank for his talent.
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