A Quote by Ram Charan

Young audience, in the age group of 16-33 years, constitutes the main viewership of Bollywood films. — © Ram Charan
Young audience, in the age group of 16-33 years, constitutes the main viewership of Bollywood films.
The fact is I've always been such a big Bollywood fan, from the time I was very young. I remember I'd watch new Bollywood films every Thursday night on a video cassette.
At 58, I knew I had to get a divorce. At that age, it's an almost impossible thing to go through. I had been married 33 years. I had been married for 33 years. I didn't know anything else.
At around nine or 10 years of age, young people start to decide for themselves what's moral or not, and that's why I like writing for that age group so much.
From when I was about the age of 16 to 33, I was away about 30 weeks a year.
The other thing that was very noticeable on that tour, not so much in the video, was the new young element that were coming to our shows... I started to see some very young people in the audience... maybe 14, 15, 16 years old.
I mean I’m 16 and 17 years wiser now. So if I could do it when I was 18 with a guy, I can certainly do it at 33 with a lady.
First, let's look at the importance of the young adult in the cigarette market. In 1960, this young adult market , the 14 to 24 age group, represented 21% of the population. As seen by this chart, they will represent 27% of the population in 1975, they represent tomorrow's cigarette business, as this 14 -24 age group matures, they will account for a key share of the total cigarette volume -- for at least the next 25 years .
I think all writers of my age who are brought up on films probably by the age of 16 have seen many more films than they have read classics of literature. We can't help but be influenced by film. Film has got some great tricks that it's taught writers.
I started modelling from the age of 16, and within three years, I was bored and decided to shift to films. But I love modelling because it gave me independence.
Life is not stationary. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years all tick away at the same clip for everyone. No age-group can be isolated. None of us can settle into infancy, youth, middle age, or old age. We all grow older, and, incidentally, it is an exciting thought if the accent is on growing. "Though our outward man perish," said Paul, "yet the inward man is renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4:16; italics added).
Kollywood allots big budget only for commercial films. Bollywood film industry is straightforward that way. When compared to Bollywood, Kollywood is fake. They keep churning out the same films.
Films with female protagonists don't attract many eyeballs. Most of them are perceived as feminist films. If Bollywood starts giving women major roles in entertaining movies, then the audience, too, will open up to the idea of watching commercial films in which the actresses do more than just play the role of the hero's love interest.
When I was on 'Dragons' Den,' most of the letters I received were from people under 16. They wrote about their ideas, their views, their challenges. The audience is actually a very young audience.
I like films and I have been watching films from a young age. So, making films happened to be a natural progression.
I often have 15 to 16 hour days and I have two young children, both with different needs at seven years and 16 months.
Earlier Bollywood was a fly-by kind of business which few wished to be involved in. Now Bollywood is good business and everybody wants to be associated with films. This is definitely a very significant change that I have seen in Bollywood.
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