A Quote by Rand Paul

I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form. — © Rand Paul
I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form.
I have known Trent Lott for 20 years, ... I don't believe he's racist. But he must proactively send a message to his colleagues in the Senate and the American people that he is absolutely opposed to any segregation in any form and racism in any form and discrimination in any form.
Discrimination in any form is wrong. I don't support discrimination in any form.
I am not a racist in any form whatsoever. I don't believe in any form of discrimination or segregation.
I never will let anyone make, maneuver me into making a distinction between the Mississippi form of discrimination and the New York City form of discrimination. It's, it's both discrimination; it's all discrimination.
We must unite. Violence against women cannot be tolerated, in any form, in any context, in any circumstance, by any political leader or by any government.
We will never allow anyone, any organization, or any political party, at any time or in any form, to separate any part of Chinese territory from China.
Gay people exist. There's nothing we can do in public policy that makes more of us exist, or less of us exist. And you guys have been arguing for a generation that public policy ought to essentially demean gay people as a way of expressing disapproval of the fact that we exist, but you don't make any less of us exist. You just are arguing in favor of more discrimination, and more discrimination doesn't make straight people's lives any better.
I am favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it's possible.
Discrimination - in any form - is unacceptable and runs contrary to New Hampshire's Live Free or Die Spirit.
I voted for the Defense of Marriage Act but I do not believe we should institutionalize a form of discrimination against any minority by amending the Constitution.
Discrimination at any level sends a harmful message to youth, gay or straight alike, and that discrimination has no place in Scouting.
I believe in any kid's ability to read any book and form their own judgements. It's the job of a parent to guide his/her child through the reading of every book imaginable. Censorship of any form punishes curiosity.
I'm in favor of any form of sexual relationship that gives pleasure to those involved. And I have never heard a convincing argument to the contrary.
Discrimination of any kind is unacceptable, but we all know there are invisible moments and instances of discrimination that take place each and every day.
I really think that discrimination and racism is a horrible thing. And I don't want any form of it in our government, in our public sphere.
'Article 15' prohibits any kind of discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, or religion. My film is about the discrimination we practice on various levels.
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