A Quote by Rand Paul

I think it's a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant - but, at the same time, I do believe in private ownership. — © Rand Paul
I think it's a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant - but, at the same time, I do believe in private ownership.
I don't like the idea of telling private business owners. I abhor racism. I think it's a bad business decision to ever exclude anybody from your restaurant. But at the same time I do believe in private ownership. I think there should be absolutely no discrimination in anything that gets public funding.
I'm very expressive, but I'm also a very private person. It is so hard to be private in the entertainment business. I'm really glad that I was famous and successful at the time I was because it was bad enough then in a profession which tended to eat you up and never give you any free time. But I think that the youngsters today have a really bad time from every angle.
I'm sorry. If you're working as secretary of state, you do not have time to be spending half of your volume of emails on your own private stuff, whether it's a nonprofit private business or whether it is a for-profit private business. You should not be doing that on company time.
The toughest decision is always whether to open a restaurant. Two or three bad months, and you could be out of business.
We're not a socialist country, because the socialists believe in government ownership in the means of production, but the fascists believe that the government should have private ownership and the politicians should tell people how to run the businesses. So that's the route we seem to be going.
I never feel bad. You can't feel bad - you have to just make the best decision you can at the time you're in and be like, 'That's the decision I believe in.'
When you work with a major label they create their own message for you and a lot of the time that works great, or at least it did back in the 90's but now it doesn't work, so I think as an artist if you learn your own business, like anybody would when they want to start a little restaurant - they'd figure it out and then build it and they work hard - then it could be your own little business that you grew to as big as you want it to be but you had much more control with how to communicate it and how it's cared for.
I think you have to protect your private life as much as you possibly can, and, at the same time, find ways to redirect that focus and turn the glare into a positive thing. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how anybody's ever done it.
If you're working as secretary of state but half of your emails are about your own private business, since when is secretary of state such a leisurely job that half of your time and half of your email are spent on your own private business? There's something really wrong with that picture.
It's one thing to execute dishes on your own time for family and friends, but quite another to perform and be judged in a competition. And that's what cooking in a high profile restaurant is. It's a competition. You're up against every other three-star restaurant in your city, and if you want to stay in business, you'd better deliver.
Under government ownership corruption can flourish just as rankly as under private ownership.
I don't believe in looking back. If you make a decision that you think is the proper one at a time, then that's the correct decision.
The transfer of Wall Street from private ownership to public ownership has been a big step backward.
We hold that the ownership of private property is the right and privilege of every American citizen and is one of the foundation stones upon which this nation and its free enterprise system has been built and has prospered. We feel that private property rights and human rights are inseparable and indivisible. Only in those nations that guarantee the right of ownership of private property as basic and sacred under their law is there any recognition of human rights.
It is setting goals and trying to be a business person, but at the same time not losing sight of who you are writing songs for and what your goals are as a songwriter. So believe me, if you think I've got it down I don't it is a constant struggle.
Having been in the restaurant business, our job in the restaurant business is to be responsible for our customers' happiness. It's the nature of the hospitality business. You need to take care of people. You take care of customers above all others. Customers are your lifeblood.
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