A Quote by Randall L. Stephenson

Speed is the No. 1 thing. Our core competency has been doing exactly this: buying companies and integrating them quickly. — © Randall L. Stephenson
Speed is the No. 1 thing. Our core competency has been doing exactly this: buying companies and integrating them quickly.
We're focused on doing one thing incredibly well. If you look at other companies, all of these companies are doing a lot of different things but we're still, as we grow, doing exactly one thing.
I'm convinced Apple has been doing the core/clock speed architecture right, while other OEMS are more caught up in this core count race that isn't really going anywhere.
Our core competency is really in processors.
Energy is under siege by the Obama administration, under absolute siege. The EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, is killing these energy companies, and foreign companies are now coming in and buying our, buying so many of our different plants and then re-jiggering the plants so that they can take care of their oil. We are killing, absolutely killing our energy business in this country.
MBA programs are underwritten by large companies and they succeed at producing future employees of large companies. In that regard, they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.
Your core competency and acting skills are important.
If we didn't have Net neutrality, carriers could do things like penalize companies that use a lot of bandwidth or create high-speed lanes and charge Internet companies extra fees to send their stuff over them. That would give an advantage to big companies and make life harder for startups.
Applying creative thinking to our clients' business strategy-this should be our industry's new core competency. And-in what is very good news for our industry-this kind of creativity, creativity that goes to the heart of business, is more in-demand than ever.
Technical understanding should be a core competency of any company.
Recruiting is a core competency for any company. It should never be outsourced.
I've always focused on technology and growth and don't have the core competency to do liability management - I'm a mechanical engineer.
The fact is... our doors have not exactly been knocked down by companies willing to defend Microsoft's business practices.
The fact is... our doors have not exactly been knocked down by companies willing to defend Microsofts business practices.
"No one is doing what we're doing." This is a bummer of a lie because there are only two logical conclusions. First, no one else is doing this because there is no market for it. Second, the entrepreneur is so clueless that he can't even use Google to figure out he has competition. Suffice it to say that the lack of a market and cluelessness is not conducive to securing an investment. As a rule of thumb, if you have a good idea, five companies are going the same thing. If you have a great idea, fifteen companies are doing the same thing.
Trust is clearly a key competency. A competency or skill that can be learned, taught, and improved and one that talent can be screened for.
It's super important that people use their significant buying power to pull companies like Ferrari and show them there is a market for sustainable fuel. So many other car companies would take notice if Ferrari made headway on this measure.
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