A Quote by Rankin

I think the relationship between print and film is symbiotic, it's more about evolving and complimenting your existing content. The two are very much interconnected.
Film is a very young art that is still evolving. Soon, we shall reach a balance between content and technology.
You can't print everything and that's not good for filmmaking, because you wanna have as many options as possible and print as much as you can, but if you're going to shoot a film - an independent movie on film, the only way to really do it is to print your selects.
I don't think anywhere is there a symbiotic relationship between caddie and player like there is in golf.
I think that as television is evolving, the line between TV and film is becoming more and more blurred. This is both a good and bad thing.
Love is a positive, symbiotic, reciprocal flow between two or more entities.
Stage is the ultimate test; I like watching established screen actors on stage to see if they can really do it. But it's great to have a healthy mixture of the two. Film is so technical: there's something very particular about the relationship between you and the camera. It took a long time for me to get good on film.
I'm slightly ambivalent to the whole relationship between the whole advertising world and music. I think sometimes it works and sometimes it's a really bad mismatch. I think on this occasion its fine because the iPod is like your own mini-library and that can't be a bad thing. It promotes eclecticism and that's very much what we are about so it's a good relationship.
I think the relationship between cable and satellite and telco pay TV service providers and the content industry is a very, very solid one.
The dirty little secret about comics is that the wall to getting published is actually not that high. You can publish your own comic. You can have your comic printed by the same people that print Marvel and DC and Image's comics for, I think, it's about $2,000 for a print run. So you can Kickstart it and get your own comic made. It depends on what is considered success to you. So if you need to be published by the Big Two to feel that you've made it, well, you should start working very hard.
There's going to be a symbiotic relationship between the edge and the cloud.
There's an obvious marketing component to doing something digitally where you're reaching out to new readers that you can't do in the existing print marketplace, or that it's difficult to do in the existing print marketplace.
I think what you have to do in print is to create even more memorable images and more memorable pieces because what one consumes online or in social has a much shorter shelf life, so to speak, so what print has to have is no more weight, but it has to be something that you can't find so easily online. It has to really stand for print.
Before having children, I think I probably approached work very differently, and you become much more economical and pragmatic about your relationship to it.
There's the ambiguity of human relationships, for instance. A relationship between two people, just like a sequence of words, is ambiguous if it is open to different interpretations. And if two people do have differing views about their relationship - I don't just mean about its state, I mean about its very nature - then that difference can affect the entire course of their lives.
Merely by existing and evolving in time - by existing - any physical system registers information, and by evolving in time it transforms or processes that information.
I think there was a warmer relationship between the models and the designers and even the businesspeople involved. It was not so cut-throat and not so corporate. And I think today it's just big business and big money, and I don't think the human relationship is there as much. I think it's very changed.
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