A Quote by Ranveer Singh

I find it very cool when girls hit on me because, for a long time, I was a fat kid. I became sexy at a later stage. — © Ranveer Singh
I find it very cool when girls hit on me because, for a long time, I was a fat kid. I became sexy at a later stage.
I don't understand anyone thinking I'm sexy at all. I don't get it because, growing up as a kid, I wasn't. I was like a dork, fat, so for me it's really weird. I became famous in Australia when I was 18, and I was still a little bit chubby.
I was fat when I was a kid. I was a little chunkier, but that's boring because everyone was fat when they were a kid, right? Didn't we all go through a chubby stage? Mine maybe lasted a little longer - mine went until, like, the end of high school.
Being a fat kid - FFK, former fat kid - helped round me out, no pun intended. I'm a better adult because I wasn't treated well as a child.
The guys that do have the confidence to hit on me are not necessarily my type, but they think they are because I'm a pop star; I sing songs, do movies. I like to feel sexy and confident on stage.
I wanted to be a cool mom. It was hectic. I felt very isolated for a long time, but in the end, it was cool because it helped me and Ninja stick together. If we hadn't, we would have maybe drifted.
When I was a kid I would much rather have been a good baseball player or a hit with the girls, but I couldn't play ball. I couldn't dance. Luckily, the girls didn't want me. Not much I could do about that. So I started to draw and to write By the time I got to where I was attracting girls, I was already into work, and it was more important to me. Not that I wouldn't rather make love, but the work has become a habit.
I've always had a big personality. I was trickier as a kid. I behaved erratically instead of consistently. I would have tons of friends, and then I would have no friends. I'd be with the cool girls, then the uncool girls. I migrated from group to group because I was bored or people got bored with me. I was very intense.
I know that people think I'm sexy and I am looked at as that. It is cool with me. It's wonderful to have sexy appeal. If you embrace it, it can be a very beautiful thing.
Something like Shakespeare in Love, which became such an established hit that it now seems like a foregone conclusion... but it really wasn't. The script was around for a very, very long time and had people chickening out all the time.
Obama is seen as very, very cool. I think a lot of people find him sexy.
The fact that anyone would find me sexy is very, very flattering, but ridiculous. I so don't believe it. But I'm flattered. Truth is, I don't lift a finger to look sexy. Ever.
I find people sexy, and I find personalities fascinating and sexy and appealing and charming. So a sexy girl wrapped in a sheet is a sexy girl, and an un-sexy girl in a low-cut dress is still an un-sexy girl.
I was very camera shy. People like hot girls, so I put my music to hot girls and it just became a trend. The whole 'enigmatic artist' thing, I just ran with it. No one could find pictures of me.
I never had a desire to be famous... I was fat. I didn't know any fat famous actresses... You know, once a fat kid, always a fat kid. Because you always think that you just look a little bit wrong or a little bit different from everyone else. And I still sort of have that.
Violence is a very ugly thing. Violence is often so casual on film, and made to look so cool and so sexy, but violence is a repulsive, repugnant act that human beings inflict on each other. It shouldn't seem to be cool and sexy, ever really.
I like girls that are down to earth, intelligent, and don't try to be anything that they're not. One thing that I fall for all the time is girls with blue eyes and brown hair. There's something about that combination that I find really sexy. It's all in the eyes...and the personality, but that's obvious.
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