A Quote by Raphael Varane

When there's a need for someone to speak, I'm there. When there's tough times, I'm there. — © Raphael Varane
When there's a need for someone to speak, I'm there. When there's tough times, I'm there.
Tough times don't last, but tough people do. And I've been through some tough times, and I know a lot of people can recall tough times, and maybe are going through some tough times right now, but they don't last.
I was a hard-times governor. I had to steer my state through the deepest recession since the 1930s. But hey, tough times don't last and tough people do. And can I tell you that Virginians are tough people? We are tough people.
In key times I performed well against Rafael Nadal regardless of the surface. The fact is you need to hold on as long as possible. You need to be strong in key times. And when there's the slightest opportunity, you need to seize it because he's one of the best players when things get tough.
If you went to all those little towns in America, JPMorgan was there in good times and bad times, and, in fact, helped a lot of people through the tough times. And we know that's when they need us the most.
I've made tough calls and tough times and been held accountability. I think that is the kind of leadership that the American people need now to produce results.
The first thing I learned is when times are tough, you need to hedge your bets - you need to diversify.
There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we're going to do it again.
Everybody goes through some tough times in their life, no matter what you do. Man, I've had my tough times.
We need someone who is going to stand up, speak up, and speak out for the people who need help, for the people who have been discriminated against.
It might be tough, but my dad used to say, tough times don't last — tough people do.
We live in a society that likes to kick people when they’re down. Don’t be a fair-weather friend. Stick with people. They need you more in the tough times than they do in the good times.
You need your freedom. You need to be able to do what you want to do as a journalist, as a person who's speaking for other women as you speak for yourself, and you make a choice. You have to be tough enough to take the consequences of that choice.
To wage war, we need a commander in chief who has made tough calls in tough times and stood up to be held accountable over and over, not first-term senators who've never made an executive decision in their life.
We need someone who will stand up and speak up and speak out for the people who need help, for people who are being discriminated against. And it doesn't matter whether they are black or white, Latino, Asian or Native American, whether they are straight or gay, Muslim, Christian, or Jews.
The main issue when it comes to hiring someone from Asia is the language barrier. It's difficult to book someone when they don't speak the language and they can't deliver the lines or even speak to the director. But in terms of Asian-American actresses, we all speak it fluently!
No one can survive childhood without being wounded. Everyone remembers at least one time when their parents rejected them, pushed them away, even though they may have still been in the womb, blind, and unable to speak. That's why, as adults, we all look for someone to become our parents again, and for someone to look after us in times of need. And we search for a person to live with who can provide the companionship we so desperately want.
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