A Quote by Ratan Tata

Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive — © Ratan Tata
Ups and downs in life are very important to keep us going, because a straight line even in an ECG means we are not alive
There have been ups and downs, but it has taught us a lot in life. Going with the team through those ups and downs is a terrific journey.
Life experience is what defines our character, even if it means getting your heart broken or being lied to. You know, you need the downs to appreciate the ups. Going on the adventure or taking that risk is important.
A lot of people say there is no happiness in this life, and certainly there's no permanent happiness. But self-sufficiency creates happiness. Happiness is a state of bliss. Just because you're satisfied one moment - saying yes, it's a good meal, makes me happy - well, that's not going to necessarily be true the next hour. Life has its ups and downs, and time has to be your partner. Time is your soul mate. Children are happy. But they haven't really experienced ups and downs yet. I'm not exactly sure what happiness even means. I don't know if I personally could define it.
There’s always going to be ups and downs in life and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel the pain. Pain is good. It makes you stronger in time. You will realize how great the ‘great’ really is. Life is about ups and downs. You just have to be able to ride the waves.
Success isn't one straight line - it's a ladder, and there's always another rung above you to reach out for. Like anything else, there are ups and downs.
Life is a journey for us all. We all face trials. We all have ups and downs. All of us are human. But we are also the masters of our fate. We are the ones who decide how we are going to react to life.
There's going to be ups and downs and that you have to be okay with the downs too and embrace them just as much because they will teach you something.
You're going to go through ups; you're going to go through downs. But staying steady is most important, and being able to bounce back is also very important.
The central benefit of Zen, in the context of ordinary ups and downs of life,is not in preventing the minus and promoting the plus,but in directing people to the fundamental reality that is not under the sway of ups and downs.
I think that one-liners are very important and sometimes you don't even know when you're making the movie that it's going to be a great line. I remember when we did 'The Terminator' and I came to the line "I'll be back" I had no idea that it was going to be an important line.
I feel oddly at peace with the ups and downs of pandemic life. They're not too different from the ups and downs of deployment life, which I've experienced a lot the last few years as my husband, an Army Special Forces officer, has been overseas.
I understand that ups and downs in life keep wavering, and it's important to understand them and why they happen. So I learn whatever I have to and then move forward.
The most often repeated commandment in the Bible is 'Do not fear.' It's in there over two hundred times. That means a couple of things, if you think about it. It means we are going to be afraid, and it means we shouldn't let fear boss us around. Before I realized we were supposed to fight fear, I thought of fear as a subtle suggestion in our subconscious designed to keep us safe, or more important, keep us from getting humiliated. And I guess it serves that purpose. But fear isn't only a guide to keep us safe; it's also a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life.
Obviously, you're going to have your ups and your downs, but the more ups I can have and the quicker the downs are, the better I'll be.
There were a lot of ups and downs in my life. And the downs were, you know, very down. Very low.
I had some rainy days, I didn't handle those rainy days. I walked out without an umbrella sometimes. I'm going to be more mentally prepared for my downs, because there are going to be ups and downs.
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