A Quote by Ray Kroc

I was an overnight success all right, but 30 years is a long, long night. — © Ray Kroc
I was an overnight success all right, but 30 years is a long, long night.
Some say I'm an overnight success. Well, that was a very long night that lasted about 10 years.
Success was overnight, but it was a very long night.
Everybody wants the quick fix, but it doesn't happen overnight. You have to be willing to put it out there. I call it 'the secret to being an overnight success,' which means there really isn't a such thing as an overnight success. ! The secret is you work really hard for 10 years, and then you become an overnight success.
Pixar is seen by a lot of folks as an overnight success, but if you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.
Some say I'm an overnight success. Well, that was a very long night that lasted about 10 years. But while I do, of course, now feel the pressure having had books that have been very successful, I just know I have to concentrate on writing for myself. I can't worry about genres or markets or what might be commercial or not. That never works.
Overnight success stories take a long time.
It took me 30 years for people to consider me an overnight success.
There's no such thing as an overnight success. It took me a long to get there.
Nobody is an overnight success. Most overnight successes you see have been working at it for ten years.
When people ask us how long does it take for something to manifest, we say, It takes as long as it takes you to release the RESISTANCE. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week. Could be tomorrow afternoon.
It's so funny, this thing of 'overnight success.' I've been doing this for 20 years, but yes, sure, it happened overnight!
A long apprenticeship is the most logical way to success. The only alternative is overnight stardom, but I can't give you a formula for that.
Sure there are some companies at the margins of our society that probably do that and I think we all have the responsibility as consumers and as investors to avoid them like the plague. If we do, they won't last very long. Doing what's right is the only possible formula for long-term - I emphasize long term - business success.
"Somehow over the years people have gotten the impression that Wal-Mart was...just this great idea that turned into an overnight success. But...it was an outgrowth of everything we'd been doing since [1945]...And like most overnight successes, it was about twenty years in the making."
I was blessed. I had a great childhood and great parents that loved music and family. I moved from England when I was almost 18 and been on my own ever since and have been trying to make a living in the music business for the past twelve years. A lot of people say I'm an overnight success, but it's an overnight success that's been twelve years in the making.
In some ways, it's easier to go from short form to long form than vice versa. I used to make 30 second 'movies,' and I think if I only did long form I would find it difficult to adjust to that short a length. 'I gotta say something in 30 seconds. Forget about it!' There have been directors who have done commercials over the years, but they seem to be the exception.
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