A Quote by Ray Stevenson

As an actor, I relish and delight in doing things that I'm not necessarily the demographic for. This is a demographic that is touching the psyche of a certain age group, facing the real internal questions of people who are going through rites of passage into adulthood. It's earth-shaking stuff.
I can't believe it's actually happening. This is independent adulthood, this is what it feels like. Shouldn't there be some sort of ritual? In certain remote African tribes there'd be some incredible four day rites of passage ceremony involving tattooing and potent hallucinogenic drugs extracted from tree-frogs, and village elders smearing my body with monkey blood, but here,rites of passage is all about three new pairs of pants and stuffing your duvet in a bin-liner.
There's a part of me that's trying to represent kids that don't necessarily have the same outlet that I have. I'm not looking towards a new demographic. I'm looking towards the demographic I came from.
I don't feel that things need make their appeal exclusively to one demographic. I don't feel that there is truly great art that only appeals to people in a certain age range.
The real problem with the Republican Party is that for decades it has shifted constantly to the right politically. Consequently, the Republican Party is picking up a very different demographic than it used to, a less well-educated demographic of people who are more prone to authoritarianism.
China has become a ticking time bomb, facing many wars within, triggered by a number of internal ticking economic and demographic tinderboxes that threaten to bring on that which the Chinese people fear most - 'chaos' or 'luan.'
I love 'Drake and Josh.' It's supposed to have a demographic of ages 9-14, but really, it's 9-84. There is no demographic.
No matter how much it's growing, the Internet still is a pretty specific demographic. It doesn't necessarily represent the general populace. There is stuff that is blown up on the Internet that isn't hugely successful with the entire world, and vice versa. I don't put a tremendous amount of stock in it, but at the same time, you always want people to like what you're doing. Certainly, to have come from an Internet background, we want to stay faithful and have people be supportive and happy with what we're doing.
I see my fans as music lovers. I really love that. There's no age group or demographic. It's people of all ages and backgrounds. Country people and non-country people. I wanted to make music across the board.
Of course, the young male demographic has always been the target demographic for 'Star Trek,' the men ageing fifteen to about twenty-five or thirty, a very tough market to appeal to.
It's neat seeing people that aren't necessarily part of my demographic who really get the jokes. I love it.
Treating an age group as a demographic requires coming up with something that's common to every single one of them. Right?... So it's reductionist in that it reduces an entire segment of civilization down to one person with one habit.
What's great about having a sci-fi/fantasy show start on the web: that's a gigantic part of your demographic right there. It targets a significant part of your demographic when you deliver online.
For some strange reason a lot of people in my age demographic don't want to listen to veterans of this sport.
There are a lot of magazines that are still sort of... that only cater to a certain demographic and only put certain people on their covers.
The reason why nothing sticks to Trump - or very little sticks to Trump - is that Trump created his brand idea that has to do with being the guy who gets away from it. It's this ultimate power through wealth and this dream that represents in an age of tremendous economic precariousness and constrained options for so many people - that watching Trump be able to do whatever he wants to whoever he wants is this obvious vicarious kind of thrill for a certain demographic.
It's actually kind of cool that women have taken to me. Because now I have a whole different demographic when it comes to the audiences. I have women who come out and support my movies, and that is a huge demographic for me, which is great because some actors don't have a female base at all.
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