A Quote by Rebecca Romijn

I think life throws enough curveballs that you shouldn't make such a big deal out of everything. — © Rebecca Romijn
I think life throws enough curveballs that you shouldn't make such a big deal out of everything.
When life throws not-so-serious curveballs, sometimes you need to embrace it, and laugh it off with the support of your friends, and let's be honest, pancakes always make everything better.
Life throws curveballs.
Life throws some curveballs at you and you go where it takes you.
I think, in general, this country makes a huge deal about nudity and not a big enough deal about violence. We're allowed to cut people's heads off on shows - but not allowed to show breasts or somebody breastfeeding or whatever. I think it's a big deal in America especially. But I think to each is own.
I'd gone through the ups and downs and curveballs that life throws at you. I found writing to be very therapeutic and it helped me with a lot of the stuff I was going through.
I really think in life there is a lot of mystery and things we just can’t understand and your brain has to adapt... We all have to deal with the twists of fate whether they are explained or not and it’s how you react in life to these curveballs that is really the measure of a man.
It gets a lot easier to deal with life's curveballs when you're not hiding under layers of fat.
We never intend to lose our jobs, break up with our live-in loves, or face any number of the curveballs life throws our way. But they happen all the same, so have a bailout plan just in case. Sounds corny, but I call this the 'freedom fund' because it gives you the freedom to get out of a jam without climbing into debt.
I wanna be a part of the generation that throws out money, throws out time, throws out all that we are against something bigger than ourselves.
Why the hell do we make such a big deal out of things that shouldn't be a big deal?
The most degrading of human passions is the fear of death. It tears away the restraints and the conventions which alone make social life possible to man; it reveals the brute in him which underlies them all. In the desperate hand-to-hand struggle for life there is no element of nobility. He who is engaged upon it throws aside honor, he throws aside self-respect, he throws aside all that would make victory worth having - he asks for nothing but bare life.
The problem that I think is reasonable to assert about Fox and its coverage is that they make up stories out of whole cloth and then make a big deal out of them.
Life throws you curveballs and there are things that happen - you don't understand why they happened at the time. But then you step back and understand you're a better fighter and competitor because of the things that happened.
The secret to a happy marriage is a sense of humor, because marriage throws you curveballs. It is not easy.
I think when you're in your 20s, going from adolescence to about 24, I think your life is a series of emotional storms that you have to weather. Life is more emotional at that time, and you're less equipped to deal with what life throws at you. I always think that if you can get past 24, than life really starts at that point.
These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don't give a fuck about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of. hey go on and on with all this bullshit about "sanctity"—don't give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want.
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