A Quote by Rebecca Solnit

Walking articulates both physical and mental freedom. — © Rebecca Solnit
Walking articulates both physical and mental freedom.
For [Jane Austen and the readers of Pride and Prejudice], as for Mr. Darcy, [Elizabeth Bennett's] solitary walks express the independence that literally takes the heroine out of the social sphere of the houses and their inhabitants, into a larger, lonelier world where she is free to think: walking articulates both physical and mental freedom.
Everything, living or not, is constituted from elements having a nature that is both physical and nonphysical - that is, capable of combining into mental wholes. So this reductive account can also be described as a form of panpsychism: all the elements of the physical world are also mental.
Material objects give rise to physical happiness, while spiritual development gives rise to mental happiness. Since we experience both physical and mental happiness, we need both material and spiritual development. This is why, for our own good and that of society we need to balance material progress with inner development.
For sure, with golf it's not a physically demanding sport like tennis. That's what makes tennis great - you combine both things. It's a very mental sport and at the same time can be dramatically physical. But I do admire the mentality of sport more than the physicality because physical performance is much easier to practice than mental performance.
Discipline — both mental and physical — is crucial.
An emotion is both a mental and a physical event.
I have a high tolerance for pain - both physical and mental.
Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy.
... the most ordinary everyday living is as delicate, as breath-taking, as difficult, takes as terrific physical and mental control and effort, as walking a tightrope.
All I can do is control my preparation process from both a physical and mental stand point.
Everything, both mental and physical, is rigidly bound by the law of causation.
Our supreme duty is to advance toward freedom - physical, mental, and spiritual - and help others to do so.
A country is as strong, really, as its citizens. And I think that mental and physical health - mental and physical vigor - go hand in hand.
The mental never influences the physical. It is always the physical that modifies the mental, and when we think that the mind is diseased, it is always an illusion.
Even if someone knew the entire physical history of the world, and every mental event were identical with a physical, it would notfollow that he could predict or explain a single mental event (so described, of course).
I discovered that running actually gave me both physical and mental clarity. I love it.
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