A Quote by Reggie Miller

People across the country think I'm jealous of my dear, beloved, sweet, angel sister. But there is no-o-o-o jea-ea-ea- lou-ou-ou-ou-sy-y-y-y. I love her too much. — © Reggie Miller
People across the country think I'm jealous of my dear, beloved, sweet, angel sister. But there is no-o-o-o jea-ea-ea- lou-ou-ou-ou-sy-y-y-y. I love her too much.
There are but two ways of rising in the world: either by one's own industry or profiting by the foolishness of others. [Fr., Il n'y a au monde que deux manieres de s'elever, ou par sa propre industrie, ou par l'imbecilite des autres.]
Un homme qui lit, ou qui pense, ou qui calcule, appartient a' l'espe' ce et non au sexe; dans ses meilleurs moments, il e chappe me" me a' l'humain. A person who reads or thinks or calculates, belongs to a kind and not to a gender; in his or her best moments, he or she escapes being human.
Chacun de nous a un jour, plus ou moins triste, plus ou moins lointain, o u' il doit enfin accepter d'e" tre un homme. There will come a day for each of us, more or less sad, more or less distant, whenwe must accept the condition of being human.
...[Y]ou have an inner strength that makes it possible for you to do things other people couldn't even begin to think of doing.
Chansons possibles ou impossibles
My name is an acronym for EA - EA All Day. It's a persona that I developed over the years in sports as a caricature of myself. On the field, in practice, in the weight room, I was just a character and a personality.
EA: Is it the smoke that smells like vanilla? Audience: Yeah. EA: Yeah, they do that to mask the chemicals that are actually killing you.
[Y]ou cannot determine either the truth or the right or wrong of anything with a poll. You can only tabulate people's opinions.
[Y]ou will understand the game behind the curtain too well not to perceive the old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in the government.
I talk periodically with the producers at EA and I try to be as honest as possible because as great as EA does, you just don't want to hear good things. These people are really passionate about making games and making them as realistic as possible.
[Y]ou can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.
Tout re volutionnaire finit en oppresseur ou en he re tique. Every revolutionary ends as an oppressor or a heretic.
Marriage, like history, cannot be expressed in words. ou have to savour it, taste it, live it and the true fun is to relive it.
The concept of absolute, hence (or whence) springs, in the moral field, the moral laws or norms, represent, in the field of knowledge, the principle of identity, which is the fundamental law of the thought; norms of logic springs from it, that govern the thought (or mind) in the field of science." ("Le concept de l'absolu, d'où découlent, dans le domaine moral, les lois ou normes morales, constitue, le principe d'identité, qui est la loi fondamentale de la pensée; il en découle les normes logiques qui régissent la pensée dans le domaine de la science.")
Does anyone know where these gondolas of Paris come from? [Fr., Ne sait on pas ou viennent ces gondoles Parisiennes?]
No matter where you are in life . . . [y]ou always have a choice and the choice can be power.
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