A Quote by Reince Priebus

[President Donald Trump ] trusts the CIA. This is about 17 or so unnamed agencies in an unnamed report that based the report on something that is totally false.The RNC was not hacked. And so the report is basically trying to make the case that the RNC was hacked, the DNC was hacked, and the only e-mails that came out were DNC e-mails, so therefore, this is the conclusive report that the Russians or whoever was doing the hacking wanted to unfairly change the election.
But take the Russia issue. You open up the convention, and you have got a report that the Democratic Party has been hacked by the Russians, e-mails, the e-mails of the Democratic Party, which is a headline and words that you don't want, if you're Hillary Clinton's campaign.And Donald Trump immediately takes the story and basically steps on the advantage he has and say, well, the Russians, who am I to tell [Vladimir] Putin? You know, the Russians ought to come in and continue to hack our - and find out where the e-mails are.
I don't know who did the hacking [through president election 2016]. The article is based on a lie that the R.N.C. was hacked. So the entire premise of the article is false. The sources are unnamed. And the report was inconclusive.The point is, though, we need to find out more facts about this situation. Then we can make intelligent decisions later, and you and I can have more intelligent conversation about what to do about it.
The report also said that there wasn't agreement among the 17 agencies. When the FBI came out - they came out - when there was a conclusion on the DNC, their conclusion was very clear and they made it public. Now, if the CIA or whoever else comes out. But they didn't conclude that it was Russia.I don't care if it's Russia or whoever, they shouldn't - we're going to protect Americans. We don't want these countries or whoever else these people are hacking our country, our parties, our - we protect our Americans. We don't like it. We're against it.
The entire report [on Russians hackers attacks] is based on unnamed sources who are perhaps doing something they shouldn't be doing by speaking to reporters or someone talking out of line about something that is absolutely not true.
We got the first WikiLeaks publication of documents hacked and stolen by Russian government sources from the DNC, from the Democratic Party, and they started publishing those stolen documents from the DNC right before the Democrats started their convention.Good political timing if you`re trying to help [Donald] Trump and hurt the Democrats.
I had folks in the RNC spinning me the night of the election because they were sure that their guy [Donald Trump] was going to lose. But they were trying to make the case the RNC had at least done its job.
What I can't do is have an intelligent conversation with [George Stephanopoulos] about a report in "The New York Times" that is unnamed, inconclusive, and based on something that isn't true.
We have to remember that at the center of all of this is the hacking, is what the Russians did during our election process, their absolute targeting our democracy. And there's President Donald Trump laughing with them. Sergey Lavrov said they did not talk about the charges against Russia. And you still hear President Trump talking as if this may not be true, others may have hacked, as well.
This country needs to take a deep breath. We are a strong, resilient nation. And the idea that the Russians hacked our election needs to be investigated. There is very little evidence at that moment except for the DNC servers.
The one report I will believe will be the report of Robert Mueller. He's a totally impartial law enforcement investigator who will come to the truth, whether it was collusion or it wasn't collusion. But when a partisan group puts together a report, it doesn't really hold much credibility for me.
The president receives an inspector general's report that the Office of Personnel Management could be hacked into; they had antiquated firewalls; 23 million files have been - are in the hands of the Chinese allegedly, including, by the way, members of the press, it turns out, last week. Maybe that's the only part that's good news, so that you guys can get a feel for what it's like now to see this type of attack.
Every news agency basically is identical. Now, they may not report stories in the same order, and they may not report stories in the same day, but they all report the same thing about every story.
A committee appointed by the President of a company will report what the President wishes to hear. Would they dare report otherwise?.
You don't want to wake up and find out that your watch was hacked, that your thermostat was hacked, that your coffeemaker was hacked.
I know some of you people, "Well, Rush, what do you mean Donald Trump won by 2.8? You can't throw out New York and California." Well, they are. They are. When they say the Russians hacked the election, which didn't happen, by the way.
There was a report that used to come out back in those days, I don't know if it was the Gavin Report or something like that. And they said, no matter what McGuire comes out with next, we're not gonna play it.
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