A Quote by Reince Priebus

I think Rex Tillerson is an incredible businessman and American patriot and somebody that I think has experience across the globe that very few people have. — © Reince Priebus
I think Rex Tillerson is an incredible businessman and American patriot and somebody that I think has experience across the globe that very few people have.
It's a little premature to be claiming that this is a done deal, but certainly Rex Tillerson is American icon and businessman that I think is a pretty incredible guy.
Rex Tillerson is 's in the business of exploring and finding oil across the globe. You have to go where the oil is at, and the fact that he actually has a relationship with people like Vladimir Putin and others across the globe is something that shouldn't be - we shouldn't be embarrassed by it, it's something that I think could be a huge advantage to the United States.
I mean, Rex Tillerson is in the business of exploring and finding oil across the globe.
I worry about the lack of experience that Rex Tillerson has had on the diplomatic front and, frankly, I think that's true for many of the appointments to [Donald] Trump's cabinet.
I think there are a lot of Americans who are very scared, scared that [Vladimir] Putin manipulated us, worried about Rex Tillerson, the winner of Russia's order of friendship as the secretary of state.
I am not a natural fan of Mr Tillerson's political instincts. Indeed, there maybe few things I would agree with Rex on: for example, he vouched his support for the war in Yemen, approved of Assad's regime, and has pushed for tax cuts for American big business.
There's no question, I think, as more and more people get to know Rex Tillerson, they're going to be really proud of the choice that Donald Trump made as our next secretary of state.
Exxon [is one] of the biggest companies in the world. We'll find out whether it's [Rex Tillerson] or someone else on the list and so, listen, it's not a done deal. And it's premature. But I will tell you that I think this person is incredibly talented and could do a very good job as secretary of state.
What deal is [Maxine Waters] talking about? [Rex] Tillerson's done a lot of deals. [Donald] Trump's done a lot of deals, but she's got a deal in mind that Tillerson negotiated with [Vladimir] Putin. Putin is there, or Tillerson's there to lift the sanctions.
I think likelier targets are [Steve] Mnuchin, the Treasury pick. When you look at his dealings during the financial crisis, that's going to be a target rich environment, and [Rex] Tillerson.
If we could get along with Russia, that's a positive thing. We have a very talented man, Rex Tillerson, who is going to be meeting with them shortly.
I don't know about [Rex] Tillerson, but I do know that John Bolton doesn't get it. He still believes in regime change. He's still a big cheerleader for the Iraq war. He's promoted a nuclear attack by Israel on Iran. He wants to do regime change in Iran. So, I think John Bolton is so far out of it and has such a naive understanding of the world. If he were to be the assistant or the undersecretary for Tillerson, I'm an out automatic no on Bolton.
I would like to see someone with more traditional foreign policy experience and, obviously, his views and attitudes towards Russia will be a big part of the confirmation hearings [instead of Rex Tillerson].
These are career non-partisan apolitical staffers with a combined 150 years of experience at the State Department gone, just like that right off the top [right after Secretary Rex Tillerson was sworn in].
We are in the top five restaurants in New York. Daniel is about luxury. It's a luxury where when somebody has never come they maybe expect to be intimidated, but once they have the experience I think they feel this is a welcoming, fun and great experience to have. The menu, the price point, the level of service, and class we offer to people... I think it's incredible. Not every restaurant can be like that - it's a commitment, in terms of dedication to excellence.
I've always been very independent. Even in relationships, I'm focused on the quality of my life and not enmeshing myself so much with somebody else's experience. But I think there's incredible value in being married.
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