A Quote by Rex Ryan

The Colts are outstanding at stealing calls. — © Rex Ryan
The Colts are outstanding at stealing calls.
When I was drafted by the Colts, Indianapolis was a basketball and a car racing town, but it didn't take long for the Colts to convert the city and state of Indiana into football evangelists.
Stealing things is everybody's problem. We [Apple Inc.] own a lot of intellectual property, and we don't like when people steal it. So people are stealing stuff and we're optimists. We believe that 80 percent of the people stealing stuff don't want to be; there's just no legal alternative.
My guitar player calls the process of writing lyrics based on another story, "filling up the well" when you can get inspiration from other people's art without stealing, more being influenced by it.
Any complex activity, if it is to be carried on with any degree of virtuosity, calls for appropriate gifts of intellect and temperament. If they are outstanding and reveal themselves in exceptional achievements, their possessor is called a 'genius'.
Contrary to the outstanding work of art, outstanding theory is susceptible to improvements.
When we own portions of outstanding businesses with outstanding managements, our favorite holding period is forever.
I am in an outstanding city, an outstanding club. The only thing that Arsenal has been missing is a league title.
Stealing was a rush to me, more about the feeling than the thing I was stealing.
Stealing is stealing. I don't care if it's on the Internet or you're breaking into a warehouse somewhere - it's theft.
Stealing a man's wife, that's nothing, but stealing his car, that's larceny.
No people is wholly civilized where a distinction is drawn between stealing an office and stealing a purse.
RIKEN has attracted numerous outstanding scientists from inside and outside Japan, and these people have achieved creative and outstanding results.
A nation that still needs to distinguish between stealing an election, and stealing a new pair of shoes, is not completely civilized yet.
Stealing to eat ain’t criminal—stealing to be rich is.
Josh Smith, put in the right spots, is an outstanding player. You put Josh down on the right block, in the low post or even on a short isolation - 12 feet, 15 feet from the basket - he can get to the rim. He's outstanding. He's not only a very willing passer but an outstanding passer. I think it's the best part of Josh's game.
I think the fact that Napster is stealing recorded music is something that we have to stop. It's taking money out of my kid's mouth. That is the way I look at it. It's inherently wrong. It's stealing.
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