A Quote by Riane Eisler

For most progressives, what happens in families is a matter of "just" women's issues and children's issues. So progressive movements have focused primarily on dismantling the top of the dominator pyramid (politics and economics) and left its foundations (domination in family, gender, and other intimate relations) in place.
As a socially conscious person, I have my views on matters like gender inequality and progressive movements. But being a mother, children's issues have affected me a lot.
I think it's important for us to recognize that although historically black communities have been very progressive with respect to issues of race and with respect to struggles for racial equality, that does not necessarily translate into progressive positions on gender issues, progressive positions on issues of sexuality and in the latter 1990s we have to recognize the intersectionality, the interconnectedness of all of these institutions and attitudes.
Putting labels on people is so counter-productive. Most of us on some issues could be considered conservative, on other issues could be considered progressive, on other issues might be thought of as being moderate, on other issues might be thought of as being rather forthright.
I don't want to be involved with just the environment because I think other issues tie so much into the environment, like native issues, children's issues, women's rights - I think they all completely tie into each other, even the economy.
But the issue of sexual harassment is not the end of it. There are other issues - political issues, gender issues - that people need to be educated about.
Women care about a wide range of issues - climate change, social justice. What the Green Party tries to do is apply gender analysis to a whole lot of questions that people might not think of as women's issues. For instance, women in developing countries are the most vulnerable to climate crisis.
We need to start talking, to each other, about the issues that matter most. Otherwise, we are just pawns in the game of politics.
Just like in any other movie, too, we've had car troubles. We've had issues with weather. We've had issues with you name it. You can't predict this tough but as long as you go at it with the mindset that it doesn't matter what happens, we'll just figure out a way around it - that's the reason that I'm here.
I think people will have great conversations about religions, women's sexuality, gender issues and gay issues.
Some of the issues with identity politics are critical moral issues. But we've got to show America that we don't have a plan just on these so-called identity politics issues, but that we have a plan for the economy, that we know how to provide for a strong national defense.
What are the 10 major legacies that European colonization have left behind? Issues of illiteracy. Issues of ill health. Issues of poor infrastructure. Issues of backward agricultural economies. And it goes on.
The Tea Party we were told is only about economics; not true. It was always about economics and social issues. They just hid the social issues and now we just see who they really are.
For me, coming from the women's movement, politics is not just about parties and parliament. There is politics in our private space and in gender relations as well. Wherever there's power, there's politics.
Most people view female directors as female only, that we only deal with women's issues and women characters. Although most of my films have dealt with women, I do have work that deals with other matters, and I'm always open to different stories regardless of gender.
Conservative women often make the case that 'all issues are women's issues,' and are sometimes derided by those on the Left when they do so.
When you think about the progress and the progressive issues we are tackling and solving in Miramar, I'm looking to take these issues nationally because the American people need someone who can champion these issues for them.
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