A Quote by Richard Branson

My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them. — © Richard Branson
My interest in life comes from setting myself huge, apparently unachievable challenges and trying to rise above them.
There's challenges in life that present themselves unexpectedly, and if you rise to them, then those challenges will toughen you up.
The Compound Effect will help you beat the competition, rise above your challenges, and create the life you deserve!
At least one indication of unbelief is the tendency to measure life's challenges against our own adequacy instead of God's promises. To enter our Sabbath rest, we must put an end to self-reliance - trusting in our own abilities to overcome difficulties, rise above challenges, escape tragedies, or achieve personal greatness.
I'm just constantly trying to renew and give myself new challenges and push myself to uncomfortable places, trying to get better.
Don't let the negatives of life control you. Rise above them. Use them as your stepping stones to go higher than you ever dreamed possible
A lot challenges me! Not psyching myself out, not doubting myself, not comparing myself to others... all of that challenges me. But inevitably, challenges are put into our lives so that we may grow and become the best version of who we are meant to be.
If I'm one that's afflicted with same-gender attraction, I should strive to see myself in a much broader context... seeing myself as a child of God with whatever my talents may be, whether intellect, or music, or athletics, or somebody that has a compassion to help people, to see myself in a larger setting and thus to see my life in that setting.
There are always things that you see that are pretty tough, sure. But what keeps you going is when you see people rise above toughness and rise above really hard conditions, and make something of it.
Americans want someone who is accountable to them above self, above party, and above any special interest. They want a President that has a depth of global experience to restore U.S. leadership to the world and to protect our American dream at home.
That has been the concept to my life - setting very high objectives and trying to fulfil them.
We rise to challenges, we will meet them, we're well prepared for them, we'll get through them and we'll emerge on the other side stronger.
I may have absolutely no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face.
I know, now, without a doubt that the true source of happiness, self-worth, and authentic beauty doesn't come from the outside. Women are constantly being persuaded to want something unachievable, to look younger or thinner and above all to fit in because being different is too painful and embarassing. I have accepted myself in a world that does not accept me, because I have learned [ . . . ] that our hearts matter most... It's a beautiful heart, not a perfect body, that leads to a beautiful life.
As I age in the world it will rise and spread, and be for this place horizon and orison, the voice of its winds. I have made myself a dream to dream of its rising, that has gentled my nights. Let me desire and wish well the life these trees may live when I no longer rise in the mornings to be pleased with the green of them shining, and their shadows on the ground, and the sound of the wind in them.
My fiction is almost always inspired by a character's need or desire to rise above him- or herself. No one is perfect and some of us have much adversity in our lives; it is those people who struggle to rise above their nature or background that I find the most interesting and heroic.
Just as it is true that a stream cannot rise above its source, so it is true that a national literature cannot rise above the moral level of the social conditions of the people from whom it derives its inspiration.
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