A Quote by Richard Grenell

Overstating America's issues doesn't make us relatable; it makes others' issues easily dismissable. — © Richard Grenell
Overstating America's issues doesn't make us relatable; it makes others' issues easily dismissable.
The great issues facing us today are not Republican issues or Democratic issues. The political parties can debate the means, but both parties must embrace the end objective, which is to make America great again.
I like Mitch Daniels on the fiscal conservative issues. You disagree with him on this idea that social issues, you takeoff the table. I do that for two reasons. I think the fiscal issues in a sense are a symptom of a lot of the deeper cultural issues in America. I don't think they are as disconnected as he thinks.
What are the 10 major legacies that European colonization have left behind? Issues of illiteracy. Issues of ill health. Issues of poor infrastructure. Issues of backward agricultural economies. And it goes on.
There's no doubt there are issues with clay. Our issues have issues that are issues right now. That's not a secret.
There are no accounting issues, no trading issues, no reserve issues, no previously unknown problem issues.
Issues are important, yes, but issues come and go. America as an ideal is timeless.
Do we have hospital capacity issues? We do. But the reality is in our state and virtually ever other rural state across America, we have ICU bed issues and hospital capacity issues even when there's not COVID-19.
Some of the issues with identity politics are critical moral issues. But we've got to show America that we don't have a plan just on these so-called identity politics issues, but that we have a plan for the economy, that we know how to provide for a strong national defense.
And so popular culture raises issues that are very important, actually, in the country I think. You get issues of the First Amendment rights and issues of drug use, issues of AIDS, and things like that all arise naturally out of pop culture.
I don't know if I even consider myself a very political person. I have always had strong beliefs on important social issues. Politics have politicized social issues, but I don't know if social issues are in fact political. If anything, they are more human issues than they are political issues.
It's my opinion that if you're trying to tell a realistic story that centers around realistic characters, you can't help but touch on important issues. Those issues are what make us human.
The goal is to keep the dialogue open. There are issues in the USA that a lot of people feel strongly about. The goal is just to fix those issues. To make progress on those issues.
This is the 21st century, and we would all like to think racism is dead in America. Actually, that's not the case: still there are some racial issues that are out across this nation, and so we have a responsibility as compassionate citizens of America, no matter what our ethnic group happens to be, to confront these issues when they arise.
We have a Father, and He cares about our internal world - issues of motive, issues of fear, issues of validation.
Honestly, I don't think that the policies and issues surrounding guns will be easily figured out in our country, but we need to take a close look, and we need to have a conversation around those issues.
But the issue of sexual harassment is not the end of it. There are other issues - political issues, gender issues - that people need to be educated about.
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