A Quote by Richard Mourdock

All of Obama's policies are working against economic growth, not for it, and Republicans ought to be talking about it and they're not. We need to take a stand. — © Richard Mourdock
All of Obama's policies are working against economic growth, not for it, and Republicans ought to be talking about it and they're not. We need to take a stand.
If they understand, which I believe they really are sensing, that the alternative the Republicans have been offering is to repeal what we've done, to go back to Bush policies - and if you asked the public what would you prefer, Bush economic policies or Obama economic policies, they take and prefer Obama economic policies.
The Republican promise is for policies that create economic growth. Republicans believe lower taxes, less regulation, balanced budgets, a solvent Social Security and Medicare will stimulate economic growth.
It's funny that and the same statement [Barack Obama] made when he's talking about Republicans and the Iranians, he's talking to Republicans through the television. He said, if any of you are watching this, you need to think about who you're hurting.
Through pro-growth policies, by abolishing Obamacare and eliminating other Obama-imposed impediments to economic growth, we will get our economy back on track.
What we Republicans should stand for is growth in the economy. We ought to make the pie higher.
The Republicans ought to be nowhere near trying to help Obama save his bacon. But they don't think that's what they're doing, I'm convinced. You talk about trauma and the need for therapy, I really think that the Republicans have been genuinely psychologically traumatized by decades of media criticism.
I think what Republicans want is someone who will stand up and lead, who will take on the great challenges of the day, who will make the case that the path we're on isn't working; that the Obama-economy is a disaster, that Obamacare is a trainwreck, that our constitutional rights are under assault and that we need to restore America's leadership in the world.
I mean, the people who got us into these crises - whether we're talking about the bankers or the hedge fund managers, or we're talking about the IMF - it's become pretty clear that the price to be paid for their illegal financial shenanigans, the burden is being placed on working class people, on the poor, on the elderly, on young people. It's become clear that neoliberal policies aren't just interested in "solving" an economic crisis, these are policies designed to enrich corporations and bankers and the rich at the expense of everybody else.
There has been plenty to criticize about President Obama’s handling of the economy. Yet the overriding story of the past few years is not Mr. Obama’s mistakes but the scorched-earth opposition of Republicans, who have done everything they can to get in his way - and who now, having blocked the president’s policies, hope to win the White House by claiming that his policies have failed.
An imposing wall prominently divides the visions of President Obama and congressional Republicans when it comes to economic growth and creating jobs. Solyndra is on one side and the Keystone pipeline is on the other.
I think Republicans really need to be disciplined, to stay focused on sustained economic growth.
We need to stand up to Donald Trump and the Republicans, but we also need to stand up against our own party establishment when it's on the wrong side of an issue.
Today's tax cuts provide yet another illustration of the Republicans' fiscally irresponsible economic policies that ignore the needs of America's middle class, students, and working families.
Misguided economic and tax policies have hampered growth, allowing the rich to become richer while turning the middle class into the working poor.
While Obama's economic policies have failed to spur growth, our anti-poverty programs have long failed to promote upward mobility and move people from welfare to work.
The reason women don't vote for Republicans is not that they haven't had the impact of Republican policies spelled out in simple enough terms for them. It's because they understand Republican policies perfectly well. Women vote against Republicans because they know the impact Republican policies have on their lives.
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