A Quote by Richard Schiff

Every role is challenging in its own way, but the most challenging roles are the ones that are badly written - then it's completely up to you to come up with something that is interesting to the story and myself as an actor.
I'm an actor and I am looking for roles where I can continue to evolve, and things that are challenging. I gravitate to the roles, not necessarily television or film. It's just the fact that, for me, the most interesting roles have been in television.
To be able to prove my credentials of a dramatic actor, I took up roles which were different and challenging. I've never repeated a role, even if it did well for me.
I'd quite like to do a film but I'd also love to do more theatre. I want to keep challenging myself with good roles. It's harder for women because there aren't as many challenging roles.
I would like to take up any kind of film that comes my way if I find the story interesting and challenging.
No artiste wants to be boxed. We thrive on challenging roles, and they can come from anywhere. I consider myself blessed to be recognised as a pan-Indian actor. Yes, it means more hard work, prepping more for the roles, but I'm all for it.
I'm definitely a fan of sort of dramas, independent sort of social dramas where you play really challenging roles. Every actor wants to play those dark roles and it's definitely true for me and I'd love to kind of challenge myself in any way possible.
Much of the time in the writer's room is spent working on story, and I was always challenging myself to make it more interesting, tighter and more surprising: to come at it sideways in a way that the audience wasn't expecting.
I might be doing the most challenging roles, like the cop role in Mynaa,' but it is these dance numbers that get written and spoken about. But I have no qualms doing them as I'm enjoying all the work I'm doing equally.
It's important to keep challenging myself and try to come up with some new face every now and again.
Every job I've done so far, every character has been completely different, and that's really important to me because I don't want to fall into a stereotypical box. Of course, every actor has their box, and you have to respect and play for it, but I do love challenging myself.
For me, as an actor, just to keep acting and to keep being able to work and to do different roles and challenging roles, that's something I'd love to do.
Of course, every actor has their box and you have to respect and play for it, but I do love challenging myself. I love every role to be new, and I always like to bring a freshness to every character I play.
[In] radio, every segment of every hour is a challenge to fill in an interesting way. What I like the most about it is how challenging it is to do it well.
A lot goes in my mind while choosing a role. Choosing unconventional roles is not a conscious decision. I choose the most exciting and challenging role from the options I have.
It's easy to play a character who is suffering with a disease or has a psychological problem. 'Gentleman' is completely opposite. There are both positives and negatives in the role, and it is the most challenging role I have done so far.
When you do the kind of work I do, everything is challenging, but probably the most challenging thing is getting up in the morning and getting on with it because it's so easy to stay in bed and not get on with it.
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