A Quote by Richard Sherman

Your circumstances don't dictate your future. ... Your circumstances don't limit you. — © Richard Sherman
Your circumstances don't dictate your future. ... Your circumstances don't limit you.
To change your circumstances, first start thinking differently. Do not passively accept unsatisfactory circumstances, but form a picture in your mind of circumstances as they should be. Believe and succeed.
The truth is that stress doesn't come from your boss, your kids, your spouse, traffic jams, health challenges, or other circumstances. It comes from your thoughts about these circumstances.
What I learned at a very early age was that I was responsible for my life. And as I became more spiritually conscious, I learned that we all are responsible for ourselves, that you create your own reality by the way you think and therefore act. You cannot blame your parents, your circumstances, because you are NOT your circumstances. You are your possibilities. If you know that, you can do anything.
Whatever your circumstances, whatever your past, the forces that determine your future are nowhere but within your own heart and mind. It is here that the star of your destiny shines.
Like the marriage contract you entered into, your divorce is a legal transaction. Treat it that way. Try not to let emotion, hurt, fear or anger dictate the circumstances of your discussions or negotiations.
Throughout your life, you've been influenced by what you have done in the past, what you have been told you can and cannot do, and what your present circumstances seem to dictate.
We are a people unafraid to welcome 'your tired, your poor, your huddled masses,' because we measure others by the quality of their hopes for the future, not by the circumstances of their birth.
You can’t let your current circumstances dictate what kind of choices you make.
You have to be disgusted with your current circumstances before your circumstances can change.
Circumstances dictate your set of values, your set of morals.
Your circumstances will only change when you begin to question them. Change begins with a question. Revolutions start with a question. Revolutionize your life.. Do not conform to the emptiness, the sadness, breakdown, failure, weakness...instead REVOLUTIONIZE your life & CONQUER your circumstances.
It's not your circumstances that shape you, it's how you react to your circumstances.
You should look ahead now and decide what you want to do with your lives. Fix clearly in your mind what you want to be one year from now, five years, ten years, and beyond. Write your goals and review them regularly. Keep them before you constantly, record your progress, and revise them as circumstances dictate.
Your relationship is not supposed to be perfect all the time, your business is not supposed to do well all the time, your soufflés are not supposed to raise perfectly all the time. Everything is designed to go wrong so that you can gain the skills of rediscovering your tracks, even in difficult or frightening circumstances. Especially in difficult and frightening circumstances.
You might not be able to control your circumstances, but you can control your response to your circumstances.
You might not be able to control your circumstances but you can control your response to your circumstances.
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