A Quote by Rick Bright

I am very grateful for the bipartisan support from Congress and their confidence in my leadership of BARDA as reflected in the generous appropriation to BARDA in the CARES 3 Act.
I have spent my entire career in vaccine development, in the government with CDC and BARDA and also in the biotechnology industry.
I strongly support the bipartisan immigration measure previously passed by the Senate, and when I served in Congress I was proud to have helped introduce the House version of the bill. I also strongly support the DREAM Act.
I support DACA, which prevents the deportation of undocumented immigrants who came to America as children. Congress should cement this program into law by supporting the DREAM Act, which has overwhelming bipartisan support.
I was proud to be an original cosponsor of the Violence Against Women Act when Congress passed it in 1994, and was proud to support the previous renewals in 2000 and 2005. These bills always enjoyed large, bipartisan support.
The CARFA Act is about accountability in the federal government: making sure that taxpayers are getting their money's worth and not being defrauded. This is a bipartisan concept, and it is worthy of broad support across the Congress.
When the September 11th attacks happened, only about a year later, the crypto community was holding its breath because here was a time when we just had an absolutely horrific terrorist attack on U.S. soil, and if the NSA and the FBI were unhappy with anything, Congress was ready to pass any law they wanted. The PATRIOT Act got pushed through very, very quickly with bipartisan support and very, very little debate, yet it didn't include anything about encryption.
I am under no illusion that amending the Voting Rights Act in Congress will be easy, but with bipartisan calls for legislation to address it, I'm confident we are moving in the right direction.
Congress needs to work in a bipartisan way to fix the Affordable Care Act, not repeal it.
Long-standing bipartisan support for Israel in Congress is grounded in our common values and shared security interests.
Working in a bipartisan manner, with Congress and the support of the American people, Trump can, in fact, make America great again.
I am very grateful to our people who appreciate my work and for their support, as without that support it would have been impossible to get anything done.
Unemployment relief from The CARES Act - a popular and bipartisan solution - was a key lifeline not just for our families but also for small businesses.
Last year, I co-sponsored the Highlands Conservation Act and in a bipartisan effort we passed the bill through Congress.
There was a very strong bipartisan coalition in Congress under President Bill Clinton that passed the Defense of Marriage Act. And you've had a majority of the states in this country that have strongly stated that marriage ought to be remain the union between one man and one woman.
The question is grateful to who? You would think grateful to Allah, but Allah didn’t mention Himself. So it could be grateful to Allah, grateful to your parents, grateful to your teachers, grateful for your health, grateful to friends. Grateful to anyone who’s done anything for you. Grateful to your employer for giving you a job. Appreciative. Grateful is not just an act of saying Alhamdulilah. Grateful is an attitude, it’s a lifestyle, it’s a way of thinking. You’re constantly grateful.
Speech controversies' will come and go as they always have, but our countries' shared values remain and Congress' bipartisan support for a strong U.S.-Israel partnership is ironclad.
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