A Quote by Rick Springfield

The danger in promiscuity is that it's always barking at your heels. — © Rick Springfield
The danger in promiscuity is that it's always barking at your heels.
Truth is a good dog; but always beware of barking too close to the heels of an error, lest you get your brains kicked out.
What does it matter if a few barking dogs snap at the heels of the weary travelers? ... The caravan moves on
Promiscuity in men may cheapen love but sharpen thought. Promiscuity in women is illness, a leakage of identity.
My mum told me always to wear heels. If I'm not wearing heels, she says, 'What? You're in flats?' So whenever I see her, I make sure I have heels with me.
American dog say, 'Woof, woof.' Korean dog say, 'Mung, mung.' Polish dog say, 'How, how.' So which dog barking is correct? That is human beings' barking, not 'dog' barking. If dog and you become one hundred percent one, then you know sound of barking. This is Zen teaching. Boom! Become one.
High heels weren't always a girl thing. In the fifteen-hundreds, the riding shoes of French noblemen were fitted with raised heels so that their feet stayed put in the stirrups. Over the next few decades, heels inched higher on dress shoes, particularly among men of privilege.
I've always been really good with my heels. Even pregnant, I could perform in heels.
You want to enjoy your night, and you don't want to suffer in your heels too long. Lipstick compensates for the lack of heels. It's a good option, and it works.
The danger of psychedelic drugs, the danger of mind-opening, the danger of consciousness expansion, the danger of inner discovery is a danger to the establishment.
Boredom is often the cause of promiscuity, and always its result.
I'm Latina. I was born with high heels. We crossed border in high heels. We were running from immigration...I can do aerobics in heels.
During that Grammy moment, when I nearly collapsed, I was thinking, Are you kidding me? I've always been really good with my heels. Even pregnant, I could perform in heels. Note to self: Never wear a train onstage.
My parents couldn't afford physical therapy, so they sent me to dancing school. I learned how to dance in heels, which means I can walk in heels. And I'm from Jersey, and we are really concerned with being chic, so if my friends wore heels, so did I.
All I want are high heels, high heels. If I was a girl, I'd wear a lot of high heels. High, stiletto heels.
If you react to every barking dog, if you stop for every barking dog, you're never getting home.
Heels are really hard to wear. I feel bad for every girl that has to wear heels or chooses to wear heels. They're not fun.
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