A Quote by Rickey Henderson

I told myself that if I ever make it to the big leagues that I would be the one to appreciate the fans. Take a little time out to sign autographs and shake their hands and say hello to them.
It's cool to talk to the fans and get some one-on-one time and shake hands, sign autographs, take some pictures and have conversations with people.
Entertainers are nothing special. Maybe we have a talent for singing a song, but other people have talents. I wish fans would just come up and say 'hello' before asking for an autograph. I wish they would just say, 'Hello, I'm so and so, and I just want to shake your hand.' I'm impressed when I find people like that. Most people just say, 'Sign here,' and treat you like a statue.
I don't ever want to be that guy who gets too big to take time to sign an autograph or take a picture, because I just know, without those fans, I'm nobody. A lot of people forget that fact when they make it.
I speak to everybody. I'm one of those kind of artists that I'm cool with everybody. If they [fans] want to meet me, it's cool. That's as far as it goes. But I'm the cool artist. I shake everybody's hand, try to sign all the autographs, take pictures when I can.
Best-selling writers should go to bookstores to say thanks to the booksellers, to meet fans, sign autographs, sign books, talk, whatever.
No one's forcing me or any other celebrity to take time out of their day to say 'Hi' to these fans or do these things. It's just something we do nine times out of 10 because we love and appreciate our fans.
You have no idea the people I meet when I do these Comic-Cons. When I go sign autographs and say hello to people, I see everything!
I don't think anyone would say that the women on the United States national team are not great role models and ambassadors. Everywhere we go, we connect with fans, sign autographs, and represent our sport and federation with class.
I like meeting all my fans and signing autographs, although it can all get a bit crazy. Yesterday, for example, a boy just came over and planted a big kiss on my face! I was like, 'Hello?'
I go down the street, I say hello to everybody, a stranger or otherwise. I know that they do not know me, but I like to say hello and I think they appreciate it. I notice their faces light up with a smile and I believe that if all the people in our great city...would do that, the whole world would begin to say it is the "Friendly City." You can do a tremendous thing here. We get so absorbed, we do not always speak to our friends. Speak to them, even strangers, you are not going to give offense.
Women say hello and then put their hands down my trousers. I thought it was my hand they were supposed to shake.
At Marshall Field in Chicago, I had them take a big bed into the menswear department, one with black sheets. I'd get in bed wearing a nightcap, and my fans would get in bed with me, one at a time, and I'd sign their memorabilia. And then I'd give them a free pint of Ben & Jerry's.
You feel guilt when you're not necessarily in the best mood and you say to your fans "No, I don't want to take a photo," or you're not as happy or bubbly as they probably thought you would be. I've had to remind myself that's okay. No one's forcing me or any other celebrity to take time out of their day to say hi to these fans or do these things. There is a sense of guilt that you can feel sometimes for not meeting their expectations, but that's kind of wrong for me to think that way, because I am a person.
I'm a person that's been fueled on emotions. And any fan who's ever been around any of my fights, I'm the only fighter who'd go out on the concourse to sign autographs the day of the fight. Because I'm in love with my fans.
The minor leagues were great. When you first sign, that is your big leagues.
I have to give people time to take a picture, and sign autographs. I have to be generous to people. It is in my heart. Without that, I would not be Manny Pacquiao.
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