A Quote by Ricky Rubio

You have to try to play well and focus on your game, and that's it. — © Ricky Rubio
You have to try to play well and focus on your game, and that's it.
I always knew I wanted to play golf and go to college. I try hard to be a positive role model, especially on the golf course. I try to carry myself well, and don't do anything outrageous. I try to play the game like a gentleman and give everyone respect. That's how the game should be played.
When I create a game, I try to focus more on the emotions that the player experiences during the game play.
The most difficult thing for me is keeping yourself focused on what you're doing. As you go play, you try to get your focus and desire. You don't do it to the level you would do it if you wanted to win. You have to work at it and be on top of your game.
Just focus on doing what you love to do and play your best game. Get your qualities out of the pitch, enjoy your game and don't think about the other things.
When I start to play a game I try to forget about previous games and try to concentrate on this game. This game is now the most important to me. But of course I am not a computer and you cannot simply press a button, delete, and everything you want to forget disappears automatically. But if you want to play well, it's important to concentrate on the now.
You still just got to play your game. No matter where you're at, you've got to play your game, especially in majors. When you try to push and try to make things happen, that's when you can make some big numbers at the majors.
We're just going to come out and play. We know that we're supposed to win all the games, but if we don't, we just have to take the next game and focus on what we did wrong in the game before and just try to do better at the next game.
If we lose and someone is better than us then we accept it. Handshake after the game and well done and focus on the next game. But if we lose and don't play the style of football we want to play then we know it's our fault and we can do it better.
What's important is you mustn't focus too early and try to play the game before it actually begins.
It's nice to have it recognised that I'm doing well and to have people saying good things about me, but I try not to take too much interest. I just try to focus on my own game and what I need to do to improve.
I know it is a cliche, but I am just going to focus on each game and try to do as well as I can.
My approach to every game was to try to erase the games that were before and try to focus on the game at hand.
It's always tough to play against teams that bunker or 'park the bus' inside the 18-yard box, but we always try to focus on our game and how we can overcome the obstacles that the game presents to continue to get better and score goals.
My goal simply was to have an impact, to try to make a contribution and help the team win. I wasn't thinking, 'I want to play well, so I start the next game.' But every kid's dream is to play in the World Cup. Watching at home with your parents when you're 10 years old, you never think you'll be there in the future.
You play this game, that's what you play this game for. You play the game to go to the Super Bowl and that's the only reason why we play to win and make it to the Super Bowl. So anything short of that would not be acceptable and I think my teammates know that as well.
I think every time I go in a game, I have added something positive. I have gotten a rebound or made a defensive play. That is what I try to focus on.
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