A Quote by Ricky Steamboat

I'd like to work with Seth Rollins, and I'd put him over right in the middle. — © Ricky Steamboat
I'd like to work with Seth Rollins, and I'd put him over right in the middle.
Everyone knows some day I'm gonna beat the crap out of Seth Rollins - that would be awesome. I'd love to beat the crap out of him. I'd just love to have a great match with Seth Rollins.
Sami Zayn and I have had a long history. Same goes for Adrian Neville. I might not get the chance to work with them now, but Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Daniel Bryan, all those guys, we all spent a lot of time together wrestling all over the place.
Seth Rollins was just leaving Ring Of Honor when I was coming in, so I've heard him say very nice things about me in interviews and stuff. I always say nice things about him because of that respect I have for him. I watched him when I was working the independents while he was wrestling at Ring Of Honor, and I used to be blown away by his work then.
I hope Seth Rollins becomes the safest, best wrestler in the world. And I wish him all the luck in the world.
I could say, you know, if I could work with Seth Rollins at some point in time, that would be a lot of fun.
I've been a fan of one particular guy since I first saw him in 'Ring of Honor' eight years ago. He was Tyler Black then, but he's Seth Rollins now. And I think he's just the whole package.
I think everybody would like to see me against AJ Styles at 'WrestleMania'. That's one that people have talked about, but I also really like Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins.
I definitely would love a match with Seth Rollins.
I am a big dude that can move, so I want to see what kind of magic a guy like Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins can bring against me.
Seth Rollins is one of the hardest-working wrestlers I've ever seen.
Leah: "That is easily the freakin’ grossest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Yuck. If there was anything in my stomach, it would be coming back." Seth: "They are vampires, I guess. I mean, it makes sense, and if it helps Bella, it’s a good thing, right?" Leah and Jake stare at Seth. Seth: "What?" Leah: "Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby." Jake: "On his head apparently." Leah: "He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too." Jake: "Lead paint?" Leah: "Looks like it." Seth: "Funny. Why don’t you two shut up and sleep?
The word dream match is thrown around quite a bit, and I mean if you think about it. There's all these possibilities, like what if Edge could face Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins? Or, a guy like AJ Styles.
I am a big Seth Rollins fan and have been for a long period of time.
I'm firmly entrenched in the Seth Rollins character. It is so close to who I am as a person, we're almost overtly intertwined.
I feel that I have had great matches with Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins.
There's definitely pieces of Samoa Joe in the Seth Rollins repertoire, so it's cool he's part of the company now - something you thought you'd never see.
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