A Quote by Rita Mae Brown

Never underestimate the power of self-absorption, including your parents' self-absorption. — © Rita Mae Brown
Never underestimate the power of self-absorption, including your parents' self-absorption.
Salvakalpa samadhi is absorption in eternity to the point where there is no real concept of self but there's still a karmic chain. Nirvikalpa samadhi is absorption in nirvana; concepts of self and no-self go away completely.
Happiness lies outside yourself, is achieved through interacting with others. Self-forgetfulness should be one's goal, not self-absorption. The male, capable of only the latter, makes a virtue of an irremediable fault and sets up self-absorption, not only as a good but as a Philosophical Good.
Acting requires absorption, but not self-absorption and, in the actor's mind, the question must always be 'Why am I doing this?,' not 'How am I doing it?
Serving others breaks you free from the shackles of self and self-absorption that choke out the joy of living.
When the healthy pursuit of self-interest and self-realizatio n turns into self-absorption , other people can lose their intrinsic value in our eyes and become mere means to the fulfillment of our needs and desires.
What might once have been called whining is now exalted as a process of asserting selfhood; self-absorption is regarded as a form of self-expression.
When we don’t put the brakes on our self-absorption, we have nothing stopping us from total self-destruction. We become the fruits of our actions.
In my case, self-absorption is completely justified. I have never discovered any other subject quite so worthy of my attention.
Love created this world, & the lack of it can kill it. Selfishness, self-absorption , arrogance & indifference never built anything.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow. Awareness of others is a healthy antidote to this self-focus.
Self-absorption is always a temptation to young people, and if their religion is of a sort to add to this self-absorption, I feel that it is a serious mistake. If I had my way, the whole subject of feelings and emotions in the religious life would be absolutely ignored. Feelings there will be, doubtless, but they must not be in the least depended on, nor in any sense taken as the test or gauge of one's religion. They ought to be left out of the calculation entirely. You may feel good or you may feel bad, but neither the good feeling nor the bad feeling affects the real thing.
Conscience is the moralized form of self-absorption.
Selfishness and self-absorption are deadly charm-exterminators.
At times ... one is downright thankful for the self-absorption of other people.
Self-absorption intensifies isolation, but permits it to go unnoticed.
Lonely people console themselves with self-absorption or curiosity.
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