A Quote by Rita Moreno

'LIFE Magazine' decided to do a story about a young actress in Hollywood in 1954. And I made the cover. And I remember that the fellow who was doing the story on me said, 'Listen, kid, I just want you to know, if Eisenhower gets a cold, you're off the cover.'
In 1969, 'Life' magazine came up to me and said they wanted to do a little story on the Hobie, and I ended up getting a six-page spread. I remember Robert Redford was on the cover, and when that magazine hit the stands, it was a whole new ballgame.
I was with Roy Thomas on a panel and he turned to me and said, "You know, your name is on the cover a magazine every month." I said, "Really?" He pulled out a copy of "Destroyer," and said, "If you cover up the DEST you've got Royer on the cover every month."
I believe in advancing the story with the cover so that the audience gets taken in immediately with that cover.
Even when he was just a reality-TV star, Trump was the kind of star who got a cover story in 'Time.' But that wasn't true. The 'Time' cover is a fake. There was no 1 March 2009 issue of 'Time' magazine. And there was no issue at all in 2009 that had Trump on the cover.
The only book I ever read cover to cover was The Pete Rose Story. I read half of The Lou Gehrig Story and then made a book report on it for four straight years.
Being on the cover of a magazine with my son is the best thing ever. It took me 18 years to get my first cover, he gets one at 8 months.
In a magazine, one can get - from cover to cover - 15 to 20 different ideas about life and how to live it.
I see myself on the cover of a magazine and I don't think that it looks like me at all. My first-ever photo shoot was for the cover of a lads' magazine.
The cover story of the magazine [TIME magazine] depicting a few individuals who are acting contrary to most Myanmar, is creating misconceptions of Buddhism.
I just read that Time magazine cover story with all this information about how you have to have your kids by the time you're 12 or it's all over. Please.
My job is to cover the hell out of the story, very aggressively. The real place to be courageous if you're a news organization is where you put your people to cover the story. It's making sure that you have people going to Baghdad. It's making sure that you figure out how to cover the war in Afghanistan. While the journalist in me completely stands with them, the editor of the New York Times in me thinks my job is to figure out what the hell happened and cover the hell out of it, and that's more important than some symbolic drawing on the front page.
I'm not anti-Hollywood; not at all. In fact, I'm rather fascinated by everything that goes on here. When I get hold of a copy of 'Variety,' I read it cover to cover; I love to know what people are doing.
I have made mention of something I've found incredible a lot of times. I'm gonna remind you of it again. A TIME magazine cover back in the mid-1990s. The cover story on that issue of TIME magazine had the following headline Shock: Men and Women are Actually Born Different." When I saw that the first time, I was astounded. I cite it often, because I need to ask you a question: What must you think, what must you believe if you come across research that tells you men and women are born different?
The first time I ever found Paste I thought somebody just might have finally made a magazine using only the contents of my brain. I read it cover to cover every single month.
In order for a person of color to get on a cover of a magazine, they have to do something prolific - winning an Oscar, being the first billionaire, you know, or whatever. I think it's becoming more natural that somebody can get on the cover of a magazine just because they're an amazing person. That's what it should be.
I don't know what the definition of a short story is, and I don't even care to answer that question. That's something somebody in academia would think about. I just want to tell a story, and if people listen, and if it stays with you, it's a story.
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