Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don't go back on it.
I go by the gut. I might not appear to have any talent but I've got plenty of gut instinct.
I gut check my show. I say, I say, "Gut, gut, does that feel true to you?" And Gut says, "Yes it does, Stephen. Let's get a grilled cheese sandwich."
I'm very happy at CNBC. It's the passion, it's the movement - there's a lot of moving parts. And spontaneous TV and spontaneous debates... I don't know that there's anyone that enjoys their job more than I do.
Sometimes you gotta go with your first instinct. You gotta go with your gut. That's kind of how I live my life, you gotta go with your gut.
Most entrepreneurs are very gut driven - they have to be because the odds and data are often stacked against them. If your gut says something is the right thing to do, then do it.
I've done so many movies with first-time directors, and honestly I just go with gut instinct. People that usually can tell me a good story, and talk to me about why the movie is the movie they want to make. I just go with my gut.
Lucky risk takers use hindsight to reinforce their feeling that their gut is very wise. Hindsight also reinforces others' trust in that individual's gut.
There's so much noise that's happening in our world, but the little voice that you've always got to listen to is your gut and your intuition, and you can do things and go beyond boundaries, if you to trust that gut and instinct.
I just want real reactions. I want people to laugh from the gut, be sad from the gut - or get angry from the gut.
I'm a very spontaneous person. If someone aggravates me, I'm going to go after them. I wake up every morning, and I say, 'What bad guys should I go after today?'
You just go with your gut instinct, because your gut is smarter than your heart.
I'm inspired by the fragrance because it is feminine and elegant but not too sophisticated. There's something very simple at the bottom of it but it remains mysterious, it's got different facets. Just like the roles that I love to play, it conveys differing degrees of intensity, lightness and depth... I like to be spontaneous and this fragrance is very spontaneous too.
It's been very important for me to follow my gut or my heart, or whichever organ you want to go by.
Managers used to say, 'I have a gut feeling.' Do you know what a gut feeling is for a professional manager? It's a pattern that they recognize. But if your system can recognize that pattern, if it's not just a couple of managers who know that pattern, then the system's gut feeling can tell you which way to go. That's really liberating.
I'm a performer. I push the envelope, I work in a very uncontrolled manner onstage. I do a lot of free association, it's spontaneous, I go into character.