A Quote by Rob Ford

In my private life, it was a disaster. In my public life, it was fantastic. — © Rob Ford
In my private life, it was a disaster. In my public life, it was fantastic.
I am a public person and I have my private life. It's important for me that my private life stay private, that what I share with the people is my public personality.
My life, I swear, is, like, 75% public. I have a very small percentage of my life that is private. But I do keep that private life private.
Art is about the 'I' in life not the 'we', about private life rather than public. A public life that doesn't acknowledge the private is a life not worth having.
In the end, it is because the media are driven by the power and wealth of private individuals that they turn private lives into public spectacles. If every private life is now potentially public property, it is because private property has undermined public responsibility.
There are no private lives. This a most important aspect of modern life. That one of the biggest transformations we have seen in human life in our society is the diminution of the sphere of the private. That we must reasonably now all regard the fact that there are no secrets and nothing is private. Everything is public.
I'm irreverent, I'm not politically correct, and I feel that I'm protected in my private life because I live a very public private life.
For decades, the journalistic norm had been that the private lives of public officials remained private unless that life impinged on public performance.
I don't mind being, in the public context, referred to as the inventor of the World Wide Web. What I like is that image to be separate from private life, because celebrity damages private life.
People speculate on your personal life all the time anyway. So I just think it's important to keep my private life private and my public persona more into music, you know?
I am for a clear distinction between public and private life. I believe private matters should be regulated in private and I have asked those close to me to respect this.
The distinction between private and public undermines the unity of spiritual strength, draining the public of the transcendent energies while trivializing them because the merely private life provides no proper stage for their action.
The only time the private parts of someone's life are relevant is when they're affecting public performance. And just because someone is a public person doesn't mean that any part of his or her private life is open to scrutiny. If someone is doing his or her job, you have to have enough empathy to understand that we all have personal problems.
Private life is private life. Off the pitch, there is private life, and the rest is social life, where of course you have to behave responsibly.
My life philosophy is that you need a boring private life if you want to have a more exciting public life.
For most of my life, I did deliberately lead a private life and inadvertently led a public life.
Everyone lives three versions of themselves; a public life, a private life and a secret life.
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