A Quote by Robert Anton Wilson

You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you. — © Robert Anton Wilson
You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.
For millions of years, this world has been a great gift to nearly everything living on it, a planet whose atmosphere, temperature, air, water, seasons, and weather were precisely calibrated to allow us - the big us, including forests and oceans, species large and small - to flourish.
It's precisely because America is not a democracy that we have survived! It's precisely because majority rule does have checks and balances on it. It's precisely because this is a representative republic that we have survived.
It is precisely our job as Catholics to speak the truth as plainly and precisely as we can.
Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere.
Thus, the more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known, and conversely.
All the talk about the so-called unspeakable horror of early capitalism can be refuted by a single statistic: precisely in these years in which British capitalism developed, precisely in the age called the Industrial Revolution in England, in the years from 1760 to 1830, precisely in those years the population of England doubled.
Freedom of speech encompasses precisely the freedom to annoy, to ridicule, and to offend.
No day copies yesterday, no two nights will teach what bliss is in precisely the same way, with precisely the same kisses.
I don't know that I could draw one that's perfect. But I'd rather by approximately right than precisely wrong, and it would be precisely wrong to turn it down.
It cannot be precisely known how any thing is good or bad, till it is precisely known what it is.
Precisely because our political speeches are meant to be reported, they are not worth reporting. Precisely because they are carefully designed to be read, nobody reads them.
The only kind of freedom that the mob can imagine is freedom to annoy and oppress its betters, and that is precisely the kind that we mainly have.
It is one of those problems of human nature, which may be noted down, but not solved; - although Ralph felt no remorse at that moment for his conduct towards the innocent, true-hearted girl; although his libertine clients had done precisely what he had expected, precisely what he most wished, and precisely what would tend most to his advantage, still he hated them for doing it, from the very bottom of his soul.
Go ahead, weathercasters and reporters: Tell Americans precisely what we don't want to hear: namely, that our self-indulgent, carbon-heavy, gluttonous and disposable lifestyle is precisely what is churning up the angry response from the skies and seas.
Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere. Climb the mountain just a little bit to test it's a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the mountain.
University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.
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