A Quote by Robert Coppola Schwartzman

I think, having done 'The Princess Diaries,' it was a fun experience, and it's cool to have made fans that are now into all this music. That movie is still so relevant to our culture. It's always on. It's kind of a rare, nostalgic thing. I get tweets all the time about it.
All of the records are direct reflections of how we were at that time in our lives, so when we play them, it's very nostalgic and fun, but also it's cool to see that they all still sound really relevant.
I think I'm going to put together a compilation under Disney's name of my songs that I've done for them - because I've done six or seven by now! The latest was for the Princess Diaries 2 soundtrack. So that's the next thing that's coming out.
Am I nostalgic for film? … I mean, it’s had a good run, hasn’t it? You know, I’m not nostalgic for a technology. I’m nostalgic for the kind of films that used to be made that aren’t being made now.
There's that weird and cool line that music can cross where it still gives you the goosebumps and you think it's cool but on the other hand it's sort of like also letting you off the hook a little bit with the ironic aspects of the thing. I think that's the inexplicable, the smell of a movie. That's the taste of the movie.
I kind of got my big break with 'The Princess Diaries' and during the press rounds for that everyone asked me: 'Did you always want to be a princess growing up?' And the truth was, no I wanted to be Catwoman.
When I got my start, I kind of got my big break with The Princess Diaries and during the press rounds for that everyone asked me: "Did you always want to be a princess growing up?" And the truth was, no I wanted to be Catwoman. And I think a lot of women feel that way. And the fact that I am actually her is such a dream come true. It's such a pinch me moment. And the fact that I am Catwoman in Chris Nolan's Gotham to Christian Bale's Batman is unbelievably cool.
I think I have music in me! I had a scholarship to study singing at one point, and I've never really done anything about it. I've done some music on stage, but it's been a long time. It would be kind of fun.
I think fans going to concerts expect more today in terms of meeting and things. It's cool - I get it because of how the Internet has made things much more personal for fans to follow with Facebook, Twitter and everything - but I also think it's kind of hindering because it takes from the music in a way.
I think most of us, as writers, have had experiences where you get edited and it doesn't feel like your voice at all. And so it's been nice to go through the experience of having a lot wind up on the cutting-room floor, and yet still feel that your voice is being - not purified, but made more yourself. I think that's a very rare thing.
The band has always stayed close to its fans and not sold out. That's a very rare thing. I can see how rare that is having been outside of the band for eight years. Maiden has integrity. I think people appreciate that.
Alabama is somebody that I have always loved, but I think what is so cool about them - it's amazing, actually - is that even people who aren't enormous fans, you know their music. You know of them; you know what they've done in the music world. I think that really says something about them.
I'm into having a good time and showing people you can have fun. Because for a long time, the West Coast, it wasn't about having fun. It was about gang banging; it just wasn't fun no more. So now I'm bringing fun back.
You're always kind of having to 'make it' over and over again, which is cool and makes it fun. But I remember thinking, when I first did it, I was like, 'Cool. I made it. It happened.' And I did not. That's not how it works.
So I get all the references and I totally get the humor and it's really fun. This - it's kind of a mash up of so many different genres and things that kind of, sort of are just part of youth culture right now. Music and action and video games, and it's kind of amazing to see it all piled into one film.
Anyway, yes, telephones but not mobile phones, fish and chips still wrapped in actual newspaper and still with some kind of flavour, people visiting each other without having to consult their appointment diaries, not being able to record anything from the television; if you missed it you missed it - these were all the kinds of thing that made up the normality of the seventies.
I want to tell every fan that I appreciate them with a retweet or reply but I don't want my account to lose my own tweets. I don't my fans to have to go through a bunch of replies to get to my own tweets right? In the big picture though I do read all of the tweets and I appreciate all of my followers and my fans.
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