A Quote by Robert De Niro

I can get around pretty easily. People don't expect to see me walking around. — © Robert De Niro
I can get around pretty easily. People don't expect to see me walking around.
I think people are just shocked to see me walking around. It's weird. When they see you on TV, they don't expect to see you in a store.
I have no problem with nudity. I can look at myself. I like walking around nude. It doesn't bother me. I see all the people walking around nude; it doesn't bother me.
I can eat whatever I want, and I don't get over 145 pounds. A lot of the guys who fight at 125 pounds, they get pretty big, and when it gets closer to the fight, they're walking around at 135 pounds. For me, I try to stay the same weight I typically walk around at.
Walking around becomes actually difficult. But the walking process is the oldest natural form of movement. It puts you literally in touch with the earth and the weather around you and allows you to get into conversation with people as you move, which seldom happens in the other ways we move.
I get as excited walking around a CVS as I do walking around in Bergdorf's.
I believe in MWA - management by walking around - so I spend as much time as possible traveling and visiting franchise partners. You only learn by walking around and meeting people.
I could have started playing professional at 16, 17 quite easily. For my position, I was far better than a lot of people around me. All the people in front of me had was experience but, talent-wise, I easily could get in.
I'll carry a ball around with me all day and ask people to try to knock it out of my hand when I least expect it. I'll give them some money and stuff, so people get pretty geeked up about that. It just helps me to take care of the ball without even thinking about it.
There are many people around me, supporting me. There are always ups and downs, and you can really see the true support quite easily.
People think I am dead because they haven’t seen me around for awhile. I’m not dead, I’m very much alive, as you can see. Although, there are two things I do before I get up every morning. I look around and if I don’t smell flowers or see candles flickering I go ahead and get up.
When you live around a working-class environment, you see what sports means to people. You see that it's the escape over the weekend. you see how they build their lives around it. People sort of want to get away from their lives.
I get a headache when films are too filled up with people. And I don't understand what's going on if there are too many extras walking around. This film was very comfortable for me, I want to see just the actors. This is how I can concentrate.
Most of the girls who were better than me went to college or quit tennis. It's interesting to see who stuck around. It's pretty crazy to see who was good in juniors, who tried going pro. A lot of people fall off and it's really that difficult to get to each level.
People accuse me of falling in love easily. It just means that I'm able to see the beauty in most of the people who cross paths with me and I appreciate it for what it is and also for what it isn't. Love is imperfect. Falling for someone's flaws is just as necessary as falling for their strengths. And people like myself, who fall into love easily, are sometimes the loneliest souls around at the end of the day.
That's the age that people are exploited, exploitable, and they're easily manipulated. The problem with me is, you can't manipulate me anymore. I've seen it, I know it, I've been there. And that's partially why, particularly in America, you see issues with artists as they get older. And they like to keep it a young man's game. Because that's how they can fudge around with the rules.
I can't help who I am. I'm just doing what I feel like I should do in my heart. If I was walking around with Timbs and a hoodie on, people would see that that's not me.
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