A Quote by Robert Frost

There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't, and that's a wife who can't cook and will. — © Robert Frost
There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't, and that's a wife who can't cook and will.
There is one thing more exasperating than a spouse who can cook and won't, and that's a spouse who can't cook and will. There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad.
Some days I'll cook, and then some days my wife will cook. For me, obviously on Sundays a lot of times we do the sauce and the meatballs and pasta, the whole thing.
Whenever I am stressed, I cook a good meal for my wife. Many people don't know this, but I'm actually a great cook.
please don't cook me, kind sirs! I am a good cook myself, and cook better than I cook, if you see what I mean.
I can cook a little bit. I can cook a few Spanish dishes. But, in movies, it looks like I cook much better than I cook.
Basically, I go to the local farmer's market and decide to what to cook then, depending on what I find. Either my wife or I cook, and we usually finish a bottle or two of wine by the time we are done cooking and eating.
When I'm in a good mood I like to cook. But I don't like saying it in public because I find myself being resentful of the idea; "Now you will make a good wife. You can cook, right?" So when people ask me I go, "No, I don't like cooking!"
Doing a good play on the stage is like eating a good meal at home - assuming your wife is a great cook or that she's hired a great cook.
I don't know how to cook. I work a lot. So, for me, then, it's important to find a man who can cook. Who will make the house a home more than I can.
I love to cook, and my wife loves to cook. Sometimes it's the appeal of the simplest of dishes - things you've grown up with in your life. Your emotional memory - something that not only affects your taste buds but that you've got an emotional attachment to.
I have two young boys, and my wife is at home. Most of the time, I will cook the food, and we'll eat together.
My wife, Donna, is a fantastic cook!
I like to cook Vietnamese pho or vegetarian curries. I need to cook more but I need somebody to cook with.
My favorite thing to cook is anything that comes out okay. I'm very fond of certain pastas and sauces that I can just about cook from scratch. So those are what I like to cook, as well as roasted potatoes and chicken. Anything that tastes alright.
Even cooking at home, the difference between my wife cooking and me cooking is major. When my wife cooks, the kitchen looks like a disaster. When I cook it's completely clean and organized and it doesn't look like anyone has been cooking in there.
The wife is the best cook, so I've been leaving the cooking to her.
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