A Quote by Robert Horry

A lot of guys, when the ball is coming, sit there and look at the clock; then it makes you rush your shot. — © Robert Horry
A lot of guys, when the ball is coming, sit there and look at the clock; then it makes you rush your shot.
You see a lot of European influence coming in with bigger guys having a larger skill set, shoot the ball, handle the ball, pass the ball. I'm hoping that'll develop into something I can do.
When you look at men's fashion magazines, you see a lot of well-groomed guys in suits, but very rarely do you see a lot of guys in drop-crotch and hoods with high-tops. It's coming, though, because guys in suits and short hair are beginning to look like they're from another time.
There are a lot of players who fiddle around with their towel in your shot or they get up out of their chair to see if a ball's on when you're about to play your shot.
He knows all the golf lingo. You know? You hit your ball, he's like "there's a golf shot. That's a golf shot." Well of course it's a golf shot; I just hit a golf ball. You don't see Gretzky skating around going "there's a hockey shot, that's a hockey shot."
Once the referee throws the ball in the air, it's either your ball or their ball and you have to just take your shot.
You can't swing with hesitation; you can't try to steer the ball to the flag; you can't worry about that water hazard as you take the club back. You have to pick the right club, visualize the shot you want to hit, and then focus on that shot until the ball is gone.
If you're playing a shot and your peripheral vision picks up a player moving as you play the shot, if your vision goes from the object ball to what they're doing, you can miss the shot by several inches.
A big part of managing a golf course is managing your swing on the course. A lot of guys can go out and hit a golf ball, but they have no idea how to manage what they do with the ball. I've won as many golf tournaments hitting the ball badly as I have hitting the ball well.
Keep your head on the ball. You've got to hit it first, then look where it goes. People get in trouble when they look for where the ball's going, and they haven't even hit it yet.
I'm definitely more talented than most of the guys I know. A lot of guys who just want to have sex will sit with the same woman and try all night. I'm able to look at a woman, have a five-minute conversation with her, and tell if it's a waste of time or not. I figure things out a lot faster.
You don't let a guy put his hand on your chest, and put his foot on the ball and look into your eyes and tell you a bedtime story. No. sorry. He controlled the ball on his chest, step on it, look, see if someone was in the stands, take a coffee, turn, call his family, no one was answering, left a message, and then thought "Oh, I might cross the ball." He crossed it and they scored.
When the ball don't lie, you can look at it as, OK, if I put that hard work in with shooting, what's going to happen? The ball is going to go in more. If I'm doing a lot of hard work, in the gym, in the weight room, I'm putting that hard work in - then throughout your career, that ball is not going to lie.
First and fore-most, you must have confidence. Your second mental problem is concentration. Think the shot through in advance before you address the ball. Draw a mental image of where you want it to go and then eliminate everything else from your mind, except how you are going to get the ball into that preferred spot.
I do not like bad photographs. I don't like to be badly lit. There is a fashion, particularly on stage, for very 'toppy' lighting, which makes a child look 50. Ten o'clock is very good. If someone is taking a picture, you say, 'Lamps at 10 o'clock,' then everybody looks lovely.
I've been dealing with a lot of pressure coming from Syracuse and having the ball in my hands my sophomore year after a bunch of guys left. And it was my job to lead the team.
In going for the last shot of the game most people wait too long to take the shot. Give yourself a chance to get the first shot and tap the ball in. Your players are normally inside the defense.
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