A Quote by Robert Kazinsky

There is nothing harder than working 50 pages a day, working 16 hours a day, trying to be good with only shooting rehearsals. — © Robert Kazinsky
There is nothing harder than working 50 pages a day, working 16 hours a day, trying to be good with only shooting rehearsals.
I meditate twice a day. I meditate two hours every day. I spend at least an hour working out. So that's three hours every day of something mind/body discipline. Other than that: nothing.
When I was younger, I looked a lot older than I was. They have these working laws in England where you have to be 16: if you're over 16, you don't have to be restrained by working hours and things like that. In America, it's actually 18.
The only real difference between shooting 'Firefly' and 'Serenity' was that on 'Serenity,' we had a lot more freedom with time. When you're shooting a television show, you usually have anywhere between six and nine pages of script to shoot a day, and only twelve hours to do it. But with 'Serenity,' we could shoot one scene all day long.
I always lose weight - around 5 to 7 lbs. It's because of our strenuous rehearsals and long hours, which is not relatable to anybody because you're working out 8 to 10 hours a day.
Thinking is the activity I love best, and writing to me is simply thinking through my fingers. I can write up to 18 hours a day. Typing 90 words a minute, I've done better than 50 pages a day. Nothing interferes with my concentration. You could put an orgy in my office and I wouldn't look up-well, maybe once.
If you have nothing to hide, if you're actually working for eight hours, or 10 or 12 hours, however long people decide to work, it's OK to have windows around conference rooms, it's OK to have cubicles. Because you're actually working. If you're not working, doing social media and spending half the day for personal stuff, then an environment like this will actually bother you.
I was actually shooting 'Warm Bodies' on the day that '50/50' came out, which I don't recommend to other filmmakers because I was sort of a wreck. Actually, it was good for me, because I had work to do, so I couldn't obsess all day and be checking how '50/50' was doing!
I love going into rehearsals day after day for three, four weeks, trying stuff, coming back the next day, building on that. So many times I'd drive home from the studio [after] shooting and I'd be thinking about a certain moment, and I'd think, "Oh, I know what to do!"
My mother raised three children on her own and my dad was a doctor working 16 hours a day.
Even if I am working 12 hours a day, I want to be working, not sitting in my room for eight hours waiting for my shot.
A normal day of working in Burbank is 14 hours, sometimes more. On 'The Revenant' sometimes it was eight hours, but we were shooting only five. So they were short days, but they were very strenuous because of the weather. And it was very dark.
You always have to think in the back of your mind that someone's working harder than you, someone's getting better than you. That's what drives me every day. I always think there's someone out there working harder.
There's no better training than working on a soap opera because of the amount of hours, the amount of pages you do a day are unbelievable. It's the best training I had in terms of discipline.
I'm working at trying to be a Christian and that's serious business. It's like trying to be a good Jew, a good Muslim, a good Buddhist, a good Shintoist, a good Zoroastrian, a good friend, a good lover, a good mother, a good buddy?it's serious business. It's not something where you think, Oh, I've got it done. I did it all day, hotdiggety. The truth is, all day long you try to do it, try to be it, and then in the evening if you're honest and have a little courage you look at yourself and say, Hmm. I only blew it eighty-six times. Not bad.
By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.
I just like to write. You can't play basketball 16 hours a day, so it's just working out, working on your body, take a nap, watch some TV, watch some games, and write.
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