A Quote by Robert Louis Stevenson

The person who has stopped being thankful has fallen asleep in life. — © Robert Louis Stevenson
The person who has stopped being thankful has fallen asleep in life.
Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.
I am very fortunate, and I never stopped being thankful.
Light streamed through one of the windows and across her face and I have never seen anything or anyone so beautiful in my life. If my heart had stopped at that moment I would have fallen happy and fallen full and I would have seen in life all that I had wanted to see and all that I needed to see. Fall. Let me fall.
I am very thankful that I have lived the life I have lived. I am thankful for my Graves' disease, and I tell people, if I had my whole life to live over, I would have it, because it has really made me into the person that I am.
The Christian has a great advantage over other men, not by being less fallen than they, nor less doomed to live in a fallen world, but by knowing that he is a fallen man in a fallen world.
If you want to change the world, then be your own focus for a celebration of life. Really, fundamentally, at the very core of your being, be thankful you are alive, that you've got this opportunity, with these molecules, at this moment. Be thankful! Be a celebrant! Be thankful that you are alive and then look around to see who else is at the party!
I hate going to bed. I read scripts, clean, listen to the radio - I've fallen asleep to 'This American Life' more times than I can count!
I'm always thankful for the stuff I went through and thankful for the people I've met, and I'm thankful even for some of the bad times because all of it helps get you to wherever you are in your life.
I think being thankful is very important, and being thankful means you're choosing to be kind.
I stopped hating and started just being. My whole life, I had been the most defensive person you'd meet, unable to tolerate any criticism. But now I started listening and being.
To me, faith is being thankful when things in life are going well and also being thankful when they are not. Its often through our most difficult times when faith lifts us up and gives us the courage and the strength to work even harder to accomplish a new goal or do something we never thought we could.
A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even in paradise.
Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet
It is the obligation of each person in Israel to raise up the Fallen Bride from the dust into which She has fallen.
You seem to me to be a pretty lucky young man; keep your eyes open to your mercies. That part of piety is eternal; and the man who forgets to be grateful has fallen asleep in life.
Thanksgiving being thankful or grateful results in more to be thankful for.
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