A Quote by Robert Motherwell

Abstract art is uniquely modern. It is a fundamentally romantic response to modern life - rebellious, individualistic, unconventional, sensitive, irritable.
Art has no place in modern life. It will continue to exist as long as there is a mania for the romantic and so long as there are people who love beautiful lies and deception... Every modern cultured man must wage war against art, as against opium... Photograph and be photographed.
Make it new is the message not just of modern art but of modern consumerism, of which modern art is largely a mirror image.
The notion that a human being should be constantly happy is a uniquely modern, uniquely American, uniquely destructive idea.
It's modern day. It is modern day. Some of the cars are older but it is absolutely modern day. There are modern cars in it, modern people, modern clothes, modern talk. We wrote 'Valentine' to sort of pay tribute to all the old slasher movies that we grew up with and I think that we did that.
Classic art was the art of necessity: modern romantic art bears the stamp of caprice and chance.
You've got to respond to that and of course thinking through the role of a left party in the modern world, in the modern economy and society and having a policy response to that.
What is modern art but the attempt to pinpoint vague, incorporeal, inexpressible sensations? What is modern art, I would add, but the most solemn pile of nonsense that ever appeared on Earth?
I don't know much about modern art, but I guess I am modern art.
...if you think of modern art like sex in all its forms - heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual, multipartnered, bestial, whatever, with absolutely no holds barred and with everything available and permissible - that would be modern art.
A language not based on universal symbols or sensations is gibberish, a pitfall of modern art, no longer modern.
I love the idea of modern art in a home that isn't totally modern. There's a certain energy that comes out of that juxtaposition.
I don't know how many modern families watch 'Modern Family,' but then one of the points of 'Modern Family' is that it's hard to tell what a modern family is anymore, let alone what it does.
Modern Art is being used to index me. Surely it was a source but photographers have influenced Modern Art quite as deeply as they have been influenced, maybe more. Anyway painters don't have a copyright on M. A. We were all born in the same upheaval.
Much modern art is, at first sight, unnerving... in the contemporary world, we have come to expect instant response and immediate understanding.
Are modern children going to revolt against being modern, and if so, what form will reaction of modern parents take?
The movement of abstract art... bears within itself at almost every point the mark of the changing material and psychological conditions surrounding modern culture.
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