nothing says 'I love you' like reducing yourself to a smoldering pile of ashes
With Crazy Horse, it's all one big, growing, smoldering sound, and I'm part of it. It's like gliding, or some sort of natural surfing.
I perceive that you have a cruel heart, my child. It lies within your breast like a smoldering blade, hissing steam at me.
Found a smoldering cigarette left by a horse.
I feel like the world has just become a polyester suit that's smoldering, melting, and at some point we have to figure out how to extinguish it.
I swear he's just so freaking smoldering, you have to see him." She shakes her head, annoyed that I can't join in on the fun. "He's like combustible!
Oh, I can't master the smoldering look to save my life.
What happened to the world was gradual. I've forgotten what it actually was, but I have faint, fetal memories of what it was like. A smoldering dread that never really caught fire till there wasn't much left to burn. Each sequential step surprised us. Then one day we woke up, and everything was gone.
International arbitration may be defined as the substitution of many burning questions for a smoldering one
You'll find as you go through life that great depth and smoldering sensuality don't always win.
Women think the people that I play are smoldering and dangerous. I look in the mirror, and I go, 'I don't get it.'
Slavic peoples get their physical characteristics from potatoes, their smoldering inquietude from radishes, their seriousness from beets.
Smoking I find the most ridiculous of all the varieties of human behavior and practically the only one that is entirely against nature. Can you imagine a cow or any animal taking a mouthful of smoldering straw then breathing in the smoke and blowing it out through its nostrils?
Our flaws are obvious, yet we are loved and able to love, if we choose, because there is that bit of the divine still smoldering in us.
We’ll go.” Her voice is surprisingly deep and forceful. Set in her sunken, shipwreck face, her eyes burn like two smoldering coals. “We’ll fight.
The melody of a religious feeling is the music of life itself. To those who do not hear it I could not explain what it sounds like ... If the spark isn't smoldering somewhere inside one, no efforts can ever bring it into existence. Water cannot catch fire.