A Quote by Robert Pattinson

Start drinking vodka instead of beer, and try to get a six-pack as early as possible and you'll be a much more successful actor. — © Robert Pattinson
Start drinking vodka instead of beer, and try to get a six-pack as early as possible and you'll be a much more successful actor.
I never had one beer. If I bought a six-pack of beer, I kept drinking till all six beers were gone. You have to have that kind of understanding about yourself. I haven't had a drink now in 12 years.
You can't have a Russian household without vodka. It's just something to wash everything down with. I can't remember a time when I didn't drink vodka, either in Russia or here. I don't think there's ever a wrong time to start drinking it. My ancestors drank it, and if I ever have any children, they'll be drinking it.
Russians will consume marinated mushrooms and vodka, salted herring and vodka, smoked salmon and vodka, salami and vodka, caviar on brown bread and vodka, pickled cucumbers and vodka, cold tongue and vodka, red beet salad and vodka, scallions and vodka-anything and everything and vodka.
Brewers enjoy working to make beer as much as drinking beer instead of working.
If we make people believe that before the age of 16 they got sick drinking vodka, they don't want to drink as much vodka.
Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else. We start drinking early. And while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we'll be seeing six or seven.
We're basically after Joe's beer money, and Joe likes his beer, so you better make sure that what you give him is at least as pleasurable to him as having his six-pack of beer would be.
The beer sold here in the United States is sweet and watery and lacking in taste and overcarbonated and just generally the lamest, wimpiest beer in the entire known world. All the other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer, and we are drinking Barry Manilow.
When I have a cocktail, I love a vodka and cranberry. But when I was a kid my mother was really against drinking, because it was so bad for your skin. She'd say, "Stephanie, it's much better to wash your face with vodka."
People have always challenged me. People told me I was going to get this big beer belly when I got done playing. But I work out six days a week, and when I turn 40, I'm going to still have that six pack.
Drinking goes with everything, there's always an excuse to drink. We sell beer and liquor 24/7/365 everywhere, you can buy a 5th of vodka at 3am on Easter Sunday if you want.
I really wanted to be as healthy as I could. It wasn't about getting my six-pack back. There are more important things in life than a six-pack, I realized. It was just so much more important to take care of my baby and take care of myself in a healthy way; so now, it's been a slow process, but I'm back in shape.
You can now buy a pack of beer containing 99 cans. A 99-can pack of beer. Who says America has lost its competitive edge?
That wine drinking is more effete than beer drinking? No question.
I was just so focused on being healthy for my baby during pregnancy, and afterward I was not in a rush to lose the weight. I really wanted to be as healthy as I could. It wasn't about getting my six-pack back. There are more important things in life than a six-pack, I realized.
Paintings are like a beer, only beer tastes good and it's hard to stop drinking beer.
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