A Quote by Robert Vaughn

In the beginning, fear was the dominant motivating force. — © Robert Vaughn
In the beginning, fear was the dominant motivating force.
The primary motivation in the world of television is fear. People are scared to death. Ambition and enthusiasm and interest and the desire to excel are secondary. Because fear is an enormous motivating force, many in the medium are afraid to make decisions, take chances, do anything innovative.
When you are frightened by something, you have to relate with fear, explore why you are frightened, and develop some sense of conviction. You can actually look at fear. Then fear ceases to be the dominant situation that is going to defeat you. Fear can be conquered. You can be free from fear if you realize that fear is not the ogre. You can step on fear, and therefore, you can attain what is known as fearlessness. But that requires that, when you see fear, you smile.
Every isolated passion, is, in isolation, insane; sanity may be defined as synthesis of insanities. Every dominant passion generates a dominant fear, the fear of its non-fulfillment. Every dominant fear generates a nightmare, sometimes in form of explicit and conscious fanaticism, sometimes in paralyzing timidity, sometimes in an unconscious or subconscious terror which finds expression only in dreams. The man who wishes to preserve sanity in a dangerous world should summon in his own mind a parliament of fears, in which each in turn is voted absurd by all the others.
Fear is a far more dominant force in human behaviour than euphoria - I would never have expected that or given it a moment's thought before, but it shows up in the data in so many ways.
When I was a girl, the West was still young, and the law of force, of physical force, was dominant.
America is now the dominant force and the only countervailing force is Europe.
Failure can be an incredibly motivating force.
No government which governs by the use of force can survive except by force. There is no going back because force begets force and the perpetrators of crimes live in fear that they might become victims in their turn.
Anger or hate can be a useful motivating force
Guilt is the major motivating force in my life.
The experience of pain or loss can be a formidably motivating force.
Moral outrage is the most powerful motivating force in politics.
Few would deny that blacks have become very dominant in athletics: football, basketball, track, now dominant in tennis and dominant in golf.
There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love.
When accepting or preparing for a role, fear is the motivating factor.
That song [ "Proud of your boy" ] in particular, I sing towards the beginning of the show [Aladdin], and what it does is show his wants and needs at the beginning and what's motivating him and carry it throughout the show. It gives him layers and dimensions. He's a well rounded character and it's great.
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