A Quote by Robin Leach

If it weren't for Liberace, there would be no Madonna or Lady Gaga, Elton John, Bette Midler, or Elvis because it was Liberace who helped the King glitz up his act. — © Robin Leach
If it weren't for Liberace, there would be no Madonna or Lady Gaga, Elton John, Bette Midler, or Elvis because it was Liberace who helped the King glitz up his act.
Liberace was a miracle. You talk about who he was and what he did, and then you look at who he inspired, from Elton John to Cher to Michael Jackson to Bette Midler. There are so many people that came to see him. Elvis was there, watching his shows.
Liberace was Elton John and Lady Gaga before they even dreamed of it.
I never thought about the gayness. Liberace just looked like he was having so much fun. And that whole idea of talking directly to the audience, you just went along with him. He made you happy. And he's finally getting acknowledged for all the Elton John, Lady Gaga, Madonna theatrics now that people are looking at his old costumes.
My grandmother, whom I adored, and who partly raised me, loved Liberace, and she watched Liberace every afternoon, and when she watched Liberace, she'd get dressed up and put on makeup because I think she thought if she could see Liberace, Liberace could see her.
If Elton John and Madonna had a baby it would be Lady Gaga.
Most people are awestruck when they see Lady Gaga and Bette Midler, but then the queen comes in.
That was actually Lloyd Phillips who was a Kiwi film producer in L.A. And it was about Gorgeous George, not Haystacks Calhoun. I was in a couple of Lloyd's films and got approached to write the story. People don't realize it, but Gorgeous George had this flamboyant, camp stage persona that had a tremendous influence on other celebrities, like Elton John, Liberace, Elvis Presley, and Mohammed Ali, who all wanted to establish their own outlandish stage personas. The project died because Gorgeous George's wife refused to give up the rights.
I don't think I had the aspiration to be a star growing up. I loved Madonna and Bette Midler, and I had my karaoke machine and would sing their songs.
You know, we recently played a benefit with my husband, Elvis Costello, and Sir Elton John, who is a mutual friend of ours. Playing with Elvis and Elton and accompanying them with my band was a pretty euphoric experience.
We called the head of CBS and said, 'We know how network television feels about musicals. Would you even consider doing 'Gypsy?'' He said, 'If I did say yes, you'd have to have a big movie star who does not do TV.' I told him that, in our fantasy world, we'd like Bette Midler. He said, 'Get Bette Midler, and you have an on-the-air commitment.'
I would totally do a Madonna or Lady Gaga video.
Do you believe in Madonna? Because Lady Gaga has got something to say about 'Express Yourself,' and she's turned Madonna's fourth-best single of 1989 into her own instant-classic club anthem, 'Born This Way.'
You know how Bette Midler always says her obituary will read, 'Bette Midler dies. Started her career at the Continental Baths?' Mine will say 'Chris March died. He was on Season 4 of 'Project Runway.'' It's an amazing show, it did a lot for me, and I'm fine with it. Unless it becomes terribly disreputable.
First of all, Jericho...Liberace called and said he wants his pajamas back!
I can tell you, to me, Lady Gaga is Madonna with diarrhea.
As for Lady GaGa, she's just a copy of Madonna.
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