A Quote by Robin Marantz Henig

Beliefs about how lying looks are plentiful and often contradictory: depending on whom you choose to believe, liars can be detected because they fidget a lot, hold very still, cross their legs, cross their arms, look up, look down, make eye contact or fail to make eye contact.
I have a big thing with eye contact, because I think as soon as you make eye contact with somebody, you see them, and they become valued and worthy.
Crowds are the most difficult thing for me these days because I have to walk with my head down and my eyes averted. There's still that part of me that wants to hold my head up, make eye contact and smile.
Flirting all starts with eye contact! You can tell a girl is into you if she's across the room and still making eye contact with you.
Liars do look you in the eye. They do not always stutter, stammer, blush or fidget.
The trick is not to make eye contact. They don't charge if you don't make eye contact.
I'm from Kentucky. I used to be very personable and make eye contact and smile at people, and now all I do is look down. When I'm at dinner and one person after another keeps interrupting to take pictures, it's like, "I can't live like this."
A very tall man once asked a question after my talk. Before beginning his question, he explained that the reason he was standing up is not to be intimidating but rather to make eye contact. His question was essentially "are we really interested in moral motives? Isn't it all about action?". I pointed out to him that it was not enough for him to do the right thing - stand up - but he also wanted me to know that he is doing it from the right motive or for the right reason - to make eye contact, rather than to be intimidating. Voila, moral psychology.
Look into a mirror, make eye contact with yourself, and say "I love me" as many times as possible during the day.
You look out into the audience and you see so much joy on people's faces. You make eye contact with people who are almost crying because they can't believe they're seeing the Rumours five back again, they can't believe their eyes. It's almost like a family reunion on stage, there's no angst, there's no animosity, there's just tremendous amount of friendship.
There are people who say, 'Oh every time Catholics make the sign of the cross they re-crucify Christ.' Look, that's what comes under the theological classification of happy horse manure! That's bologna, absolute bologna! They don't know anything about our religion, and I don't purport to know anything about theirs. I respect theirs, respect ours. When we make the sign of the cross, we are simply making a statement of faith. I believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I believe in the sign of the cross, because that is the sign of our salvation!
I have choices," I insisted, refusing to break eye contact. "We both do. I may have to make mine carefully, and make a few compromises along the way, but I have a choice. I choose you.
So just look mean and don’t make eye contact with anyone. (Syn) Gee, hon, you take me to the most wonderful places. (Shahara)
I have a problem with making eye contact with people, or with holding eye contact.
People who believe in something for which there is not a shred of evidence act on that belief and, above all, impose their beliefs on others, they make me cross, and they make me especially cross when they impose their beliefs on defenceless children.
Kids are shy and they often don't want to make eye contact or say "thank you."
If a sinner comes into your assembly or you otherwise come into contact with him, remember that he is a human being for whom Christ died. He stands at the foot of the cross, just as you stand at the foot of the cross.
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